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Helm Crag & Steel Fell

Helm Crag & Steel Fell: Private Guiding

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Product code: 382

Availability: In stock

  • Book a group of 2 for £60.00 per person
  • Book a group of 3 for £40.00 per person
  • Book a group of 4 for £35.00 per person
  • Book a group of 5 for £28.00 per person
  • Book a group of 6 for £27.00 per person
  • Book a group of 7 for £23.00 per person
  • Book a group of 8 for £20.00 per person
  • Book a group of 12 for £19.00 per person
  • Book a group of 16 for £18.00 per person
  • Book a group of 24 for £16.00 per person

Quick Overview:

Above the village of Grasmere the small fell of Helm Crag dominates the skyline, one of the most famous views in the Lake District is of Helm Crag seen across Grasmere. This guided walk climbs the wonderful summit of Steel Fell before traversing the ridges over Calf Crag to Helm Crag. A wonderful horseshoe walk without going to high.
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Loughrigg from Ambleside: Wednesday 4th September 2013


Difficulty: Easy / Moderate
  Lower level ridge walking with no exposure
Distance: 13km / 8 miles approx.
Ascent: 720m / 2400ft approx.
Time: 6 hours
Start Time: 10am
Maximum Group Size: 10
Minimum Group Size: 1

"The virtues of Helm Crag have not been lauded enough. It gives an exhilarating little climb, a brief essay in real mountaineering, and, in a region where all is beautiful, it makes a notable contribution to the natural charms and attractions of Grasmere."
A.W Wainwright

A circuit of the fells above Greenburn gives a spectacular days walking, there is no need to go too high when views like these can be found on the lower fells.

The highest point of the circuit, Steel Fell, gives a unique view over Thirlmere, looking along the whole length of the lake.

Calf Crag and Gibson Knott both have their own charms and some wonderful views of the Greenburn and Far Easdale valleys, but it is when the walker reaches Helm Crag that they are really rewarded with some of the best views in the Lake District.

Summits included on this route:
Steel Fell
553 metres/1814 feet
Calf Crag
537 metres/1762 feet
Gibson Knott
420 metres/1378 feet
Helm Crag
405 metres/1329 feet

"This is a splendid little climb; if it has a fault it is that it is too short."
A.W Wainwright

From Grasmere we will follow the lane to Helmside and climb the gentle southern shoulder of Steel Fell, with wonderful views unfolding to the south over Grasmere as we climb towards the summit of Steel Fell. Upon reaching the summit of Steel Fell we will be rewarded with a stunning view to the north, looking down along the full length of Thirlmere.

The route from Steel Fell brings us west, following the ridge past several tarns to climb to the rocky summit of Calf Crag, a good viewpoint over the Far Easdale Valley.

The fine ridge from Calf Crag descends to the south east, crossing the summit of Gibson Knott before a short climb to the summit of Helm Crag, and a short scramble to the summit of the Howitzer for those that would like to climb to the true summit of Helm Crag.

The rocky summit of Helm Crag is well worth taking a little time to explore, once we are ready we will descend south, zig-zagging down on good paths by some old quarries to meet the track in the Easdale Valley and then the Easdale Road back to Grasmere.

Each participant will be required to bring suitable equipment for their chosen event, please see Equipment Required.


Where to meet: Grasmere Village
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Postcode: LA22 9SS
Grid Reference: NY 337 076


Grasmere can easily be found off the A591 between Ambleside and Keswick. Follow the signs into the village and park in one of the many car parks, we will meet in the centre of the village on the corner of Easdale Road, opposite Sam Reid´s Bookshop.

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  • The Greenburn Round

    A great day day today in wonderful weather as we climbed the Greenburn Round from Steel Fell to Helm Crag.

    From Grasmere we followed the lane to Helmside and climbed the path above Green Burn following the southern ridge of Steel Fell climbing by Cotra Breast to the summit of Steel Fell.

    The views north from Steel Fell were magnificent with Thirlmere stretching away from us towards Blencathra and Skiddaw.

    From Steel Fell we followed the ridge west crossing the damp section on the ridge, which was particularly dry today, and climbing to the summit of Calf Crag.

    We stopped for lunch on Calf Crag and admired the views down over the Far Easdale Valley stretching below us towards Easdale and Grasmere.

    After lunch we continued south along the ridge, descending to the summit of Gibson Knott and then up to the summit of Helm Crag, yet again with wonderful views all around.

    We descended from Helm Crag to Easdale and followed the lane back to Grasmere.

  • High Raise from Grasmere

    Another great day above Grasmere today, this time a longer route climbing to High Raise and then descending over Helm Crag.

    We set off from Grasmere at 9am and climbed onto Silver How. There was some mist in the valley and the views were magnificent. After a short stop on the summit we pressed on, following the ridge climbing past Blea Rigg and climbing to Sergeant Man.

    From Sergeant Man we crossed to the summit of High Raise, stopping for our lunch in one of the summit shelters to eat our lunches.

    After Lunch we descended by Mere Beck and crossed to the summit of Calf Crag flown the ridge over Gibson Knott to Helm Crag.

    From Helm Crag we descended to Easdale ad followed the lane back into Grasmere.

  • The Greenburn Round

    Another wild day today, this time above Grasmere following the ridge from Steel Fell to Helm Crag.

    We set off from Grasmere at 8.30am and followed the lane to Helmside, climbing the southern ridge of Steel Fell. We reached the snow fairly quickly, thin and wet at first but as we climbed higher it became thicker and firmer. As we aproached the summit we were anything from ankle deep to knee deep in snow with some drifts even deeper.

    There was quite a strong wind on the top, although not nearly as strong as yesterday, we didn't stop for too long though and were soon on the western ridge, passing Griffin Tarn and climbing towards Calf Crag, the snow was now getting very deep in places especially near the summit of Calf Crag.

    After a short stop out of the wind for a hot drink we pressed on following the ridge east towards Gibson Knott, as we lost height the temperature rose and the snow was now thinning and soggy. From Gibson Knott it took no time to reach Helm Crag and descend the path down to Easdale and Grasmere.

  • Steel Fell to Helm Crag

    A wonderful day above Grasmere today from Steel Fell to Helm Crag.

    We set of from Grasmere at 10am and followed the lane to Helmside from where we climbed the southern shoulder of Steel Fell.

    The views from Steel Fell were amazing today, a perfect view north over Thirlmere to Skiddaw matched the magnificent views south over Grasmere to Morecambe Bay and Yorkshire.

    From Steel Fell we followed the ridge west crossing the boggy ground near Griffin Tarn before climbing to the summit of Calf Crag, stopping for lunch by the summit cairn to admire the view over Far Easdale.

    After lunch we followed the ridge, descending to Gibson Knott and Helm Crag and after a short scramble on the Howitzer we descended the steep path into Easdale and followed the lane back to Grasmere.

  • Steel Fell to Helm Crag

    A good day above Grasmere today climbing the fells above the Greenburn Valley.

    We set of from Grasmere at 10am and followed the lane to Helmside climbing the southern shoulder of Steel Fell.

    As we reached the summit of Steel Fell we entered the cloud, although we did get a short glimpse of the view down towards Thirlmere.

    From Steel Fell we followed the ridge west crossing by Griffin Tarn before climbing to the summit of Calf Crag.

    After a short lunch stop at the summit of Calf Crag we followed the ridge south, descending to the summit of Gibson Knott and along the ridge to Helm Crag, by now we were back out of the cloud and were rewarded with some great views.

    From Helm Crag we descended down to the Easdale Valley following the Easdale Road back to Grasmere.

  • Helm Crag Etc..

    A lovely scenic day on The Greenburn Round (Helm Crag Etc.)

    From the lovely little village of Grasmere we set out towards Steel Fell up the Easdale Road. We walked past the fields and farm houses to the start of the greenburn Valley track. From here we started our ascent of Steel Fell up its long grassy southern slope. We made great progress up the slope, and shortly before midday we were on its windy summit. From the summit of Steel Fell we enjoyed the amazing view down the full length of Thirlmere before descending down its western shoulder. We walked across the top end of the Greenburn Valley to the slightly smaller summit of Calf Crag. We found some shelter behind a rocky buttress to have a spot of lunch and enjoy the view.

    Now at the apex of the route we were on our way back towards Grasmere. We walked along the wide grassy spur, around and over outcrops to our next summi of Gibson Knott. We left this summit, and after a short climb we were up onto the summit of Helm Crag. After soaking up the views one last time we descended off of Helm Crag back to the Easdale Road, and shortly after we were back in Grasmere.

  • Steel Fell to Helm Crag

    A good day above Grasmere today climbing the ridge from Steel Fell to Helm Crag.

    We set off from Grasmere at 10am and followed the lane to Helmside and up the Cotra Breast ridge onto Steel Fell. We made good progress up the ridge and were soon on the summit of Steel Fell, there were great views over Thirlmere from the summit.

    We pressed on following the ridge west, crossing the usually very boggy section and climbing to the summit of Calf Crag. We took some shelter out of the cool breeze just below the summit cairn to eat our packed lunches before continuing along the ridge, descending to the summits of Gibson Knott and Helm Crag before dropping down to the Far Easdale Valley and following the lane back to Grasmere.

  • Steel Fell to Helm Crag

    A good day above Grasmere today following the ridge from Steel Fell to Helm Crag.

    We set off from Grasmere just after 10am and followed the lane to Helmside, climbing up ridge by Cogra Breast. It didn't take long before we were in thick mist, this lasted until we were well on our way down from Helm Crag.

    We climbed to the summit of Steel Fell in good time, unfortunately there were no views from the summit today, so after a short break by the summit cairn we pressed on, descending a little by Griffin Tarn and crossing the boggy section of ridge to climb to the summit of Calf Crag.

    We stopped just below the summit of Calf Crag to eat our sandwiches before pressing on, turning south east and following the fine ridge towards Gibson Knott.

    The path along the ridge has got very muddy this year, even more than usual, but we made good progress and were soon on the summit of Gibson Knott.

    From Gibson Knott we crossed to the summit of Helm Crag and descended the new path south dropping down into Easdale and following the lane back to Grasmere.

  • 77 Peak Challenge Day 7: The End is in Sight

    A glorious day to round off our 77 Peak Challenge, today we walked from Grasmere over Helm Crag to High Raise and the Langdale Pikes descending to Langdale.
  • Helm Crag & Steel Fell

    A horseshoe of Greenburn takes us up Steel Fell, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott and Helm Crag in a squally but great day out with some fine views.
  • Helm Crag & Steel Fell

    A wonderful day above Grasmere following the ridges above the Greenburn Valley, climbing Steel Fell, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott and Helm Crag.
  • Steel Fell to Helm Crag

    A great day above Grasmere following the ridge from Steel Fell to Helm Crag, taking in the summits of Calf Crag and Gibson Knott. A wonderful sunny walk.

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