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On Pen Y Ghent

The Yorkshire 3 Peaks: Private Guiding

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Product code: 763

Availability: In stock

  • Book a group of 2 for £125.00 per person
  • Book a group of 3 for £84.00 per person
  • Book a group of 4 for £62.50 per person
  • Book a group of 5 for £50.00 per person
  • Book a group of 6 for £42.00 per person
  • Book a group of 7 for £36.00 per person
  • Book a group of 8 for £30.00 per person
  • Book a group of 12 for £25.00 per person
  • Book a group of 16 for £22.00 per person
  • Book a group of 24 for £20.00 per person

Quick Overview:

One of the most popular challenge events in the UK, the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge makes a great longer days walking, three great peaks in 12 hours, can you keep the pace?
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Difficulty: Very Hard
  A long walk
Distance: 39.2km / 24 miles approx.
Ascent: 1590m / 5200ft approx.
Time: 12 hours
Start Time: 8am
Maximum Group Size: 10
Minimum Group Size: 3

"If adventure has a final and all-embracing motive, it is surely this: we go out because it is our nature to go out, to climb mountains, and to paddle rivers, to fly to the planets and plunge into the depths of the oceans... When man ceases to do these things, he is no longer man."
Rusty Baille

The Yorkshire Three Peaks is one of the great mountain challenges, we begin at Horton in Ribblesdale climbing Pen-Y-Ghent before the long walk north to Whernside, returning over Ingleborough.

A very long days walking but well within most walkers capabilities. Anyone retiring from the challenge will be escorted to the next checkpoint and arrangements will be made to collect you upon completion or to transport you back to the start depending on your circumstances. Thus allowing the challenge to continue without holding other walkers back!

This walk is great training for longer events, and it is often used as training for events like the National 3 Peaks Challenge, Kilimangaro or trekking in the Himalayas.

Summits included on this route:
694 metres/2290 feet
736 metres/2428 feet
723 metres/2385 feet

"In the mountains there are only two grades: You can either do it, or you can't."
Wilfrid Noyce

From Horton In Ribblesdale we climb onto the southern shoulder of Pen-Y-Ghent before continuing over the summit of Pen-Y-Ghent and descending to cross the large swathe of moorland between Pen-Y-Ghent and Ribblehead.

After setting off for the second leg of the trip from Ribblehead we cross the moorland below Ribblehead Viaduct to climb the eastern flanks of Whernside, crossing the ridge and descending steeply to the south where a short walk across the valley leads us to the third and final climb, the steep slog onto Ingleborough, the finest of the three peaks with wonderful views over the days route.

All that is left to do from the summit of Ingleborough is the long gentle descent back to Horton, crossing the railway line to the village.

Each participant will be required to bring suitable equipment for their chosen event, please see Equipment Required.

Support Vehicle

A support vehicle for this event is also available to book, this will meet you at Ribblehead and Chapel Le Dale where you will be able to collect and drop off gear and food as well as pick up anyone unable to continue with the challenge, book this here


Where to meet: The Pen-Y-Ghent Cafe,
Horton in Ribblesdale

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Postcode: BD24 0HE
Grid Reference: SD 803 725


Horton In Ribblesdale can easily be found to the North of Settle, leave Settle on the B6479 / Langcliffe Road.

Follow this road until Horton In Ribblesdale is reached. The Pen-Y-Ghent Cafe will be seen on the left as you enter the village, we will meet here. There is a pay and display car park a short distance further along the road on the left.

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  • The Yorkshire 3 Peaks

    A great day on the Yorkshire 3 Peaks today, if a little warm in the afternoon!

    Setting off just after 8am we climbed onto Pen Y Ghent in  1 hour 15 minutes. The views here were a little bit murky but good.

    The long trek to Ribblehead then followed where we stopped for a long lunch break in the sun, before starting the long hot climb from the Ribblehead Viaduct to Whernside where we had some more hazy views from the summit.

    The steep descent from Whernside was negotiated and we were treated to a fly past from two RAF helicopters before we started the last climb of the day to Ingleborough where by now the air had cleared a little and we had some great views over the Dales, Morecambe Bay and up to the Lake District.

    The 5 mile decent back to Horton In Ribblesdale was negotiated and we returned to the start point in just over 11 hours.

  • The Yorkshire 3 Peaks….Again

    The second day on this route in a row, today was not as hot or busy.

    We climbed from Horton In Ribbleadale to the summit of Pen Y Ghent in just under an hour and a half before setting off on the long walk to Ribblehead.

    After a brief stop at Ribblehead we pressed on, is slight drizzle climbing to the summit of Whernside and descending the steep path to the valley, here the cloud began to roll inn and we began the climb of Ingleborough in thick mist and drizzle.

    Once the steep climb was completed we descended towards Horton, dropping down quickly to avoid thunderstorms which were beginning to form around us!

    Just outside the 12 hours, but another good day in the Dales

  • Yorkshire 3 Peaks

    A damp day on the Yorkshire 3 Peaks today, setting off at 8am from Horton we climbed Pen-Y-Ghent in good clear weather, although there was a large amount of low cloud approaching from the west as we descended for the long walk north to Ribblehead.

    At Ribblehead it was starting to spit, but as we climbed the track towards Whernside where the rain started to get heavy, and a string wind was blowing across  the ridge, soldiering on to the summit we descended the steep path for a well earned hot drink in the cafe before the final climb onto Ingleborough, as we aproached the summit the rain eased and cleared for our descent back to Horton in Ribblesdale.

    All in alll a good day despite the weather and everyone did really well to finish in a time of 10 hours 40 minutes!

  • The Yorkshire 3 Peaks

    This was a great day out on Saturday. The weather played it's part as it went from warm and sunny, to wet and windy. And then it was just very wet! Due to the recent rainfall, it was rather "damp" underfoot and we also had to negotiate a rather interesting river crossing.
    Despite the conditions, which slowed us down between Pen y Ghent and Ribblehead, we made reasonably good time. After having lunch at Ribblehead, we plodded on over Whernside, had a short break then pushed on to Ingleborough. At this point we got wet. Very. However, the sun did finally emerge for the long walk back down to Horton in Ribblesdale and a well earned pint.
    Can't remember when I last saw so many happy, smiling faces in one place at the same time!
    An excellent day out, well done to all.

  • The Yorkshire 3 Peaks

    Another good day on the Three Peaks, better weather than yesterday.

    After climbing Pen-Y-Ghent the crossing of the boggy stretch to Ribblehead was much easier than yesterday, not nearly as much mud and water!

    At Ribblehead we stopped for a short lunch break before pressing on with the long slog up onto Whernside, this was compeed in good time as was the crossing over Ingleborough and the long descent back to Horton In Ribblesdale.

    A great day, well done to the whole group who competed the challenge in good time.

  • The Yorkshire 3 Peaks

    A great day in Yorkshire today as we climbed the 3 peaks.

    Setting off at just after 8am we climbed the path to the summit of Pen-Y-Ghent in little more than an hour before the long boggy stretch to Ribblehead, the bogs were not as bad as last month, so we made good time on this stretch before stopping for lunch at Ribblehead.

    The long climb to Whernside was next, but this proved few difficulties for our group and after a short stop on the summit to watch a paraglider we descended the steep path to Chapel Le Dale and a quick tea stop at the cafe before beginning the steep climb to the summit of Ingleborough.

    The wind on the summit was strong so we didn't stop for too long, just a quick look at the great view before turning round onto the long path back down to Horton In Ribblesdale.  All down in 11 hours.

  • The Yorkshire 3 Peaks

    A great day in Yorkshire today, perfect weather for the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge.

    We set off from Horton just after 7am climbing to the summit of Pen Y Ghent in good time, from the summit we were above the clouds with good views across to the summits of Ingleborough and Whernside, also sticking through the cloud base below.

    Good progress was made descending and crossing the boggy ground to Ribblehead, it wasn't as boggy as it had been the last few months.

    At Ribblehead, below the cloud, we had a short stop before pressing on climbing the long slope to the summit of Whernside, once again above the cloud with some spectacular views, allthough this time we could not see any of the other summits.

    We ate our lunch on the summit of Whernside and descended quickly into the valley and after a quick cup of tee we continued the route climbing to the summit of Ingleborough, in cloud, where after a shoort stop for photo's we turned round to descend back to Horton.

    We made good time descending to Horton In Ribblesdale, and after a quick run on the last section clocking in at the cafe in a good time of 10 hours 30 minutes!

  • Yorkshire 3 Peaks

    A busy day on the Yorkshire 3 Peaks today. The torrential rain soon eased as we climbed the sloes of Pen y Ghent and half an hour after setting off was little more than light patchy drizzle.

    We were in the cloud on the summit of Pen y Ghent but as we descended for the long stretch to Ribblehead the clouds lifted to show the summits.

    After a short stop at Ribblehead we pressed on climbing to the summit of Whernside, with magnificent views over the dales and west to Morecambe Bay.

    We descended south to Chapel Le Dale before climbing the steep final slope to Ingleborough, the final summit of the day, by now back in cloud and after a short stop on the summit we descended the long path over Sulber back to Horton In Ribblesdale, completing the challenge in 10.30.

  • Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge

    A fun but strenuous day walking the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge.

    The Challenge is to walk a 24 mile circuit over Yorkshire's 3 highest peaks in under 12 hours.

    We set off from the Pen-Y-Ghent Cafe at 8.27am towards our first peak, Pen-Y-Ghent. It wasn't long before we all had to take off a layer or two as the sun was already scorching. The eroded path climbed steadily, and when we reached the steep nose of Pen-Y-Ghent we turned and climbed quickly up it. We had made magnificent time up to our first summit and had reached it after just 1hour and 8 minutes. We descended off of Pen-Y-Ghent with a long walk ahead of us to Ribblehead to where we were to meet the support car. We crossed the rolling land, which was often quite boggy. The entire team continued to make amazing progress and after just 3hours 45 minutes we were about 11 miles in. We met the support vehicle and enjoyed a good refuel. After topping up our water bottles we made way for our second peak, Whernside. We walked past the impressive viaduct and alongside the railway track. We swooped around the front of Whernside for a couple of Kilometres and then the path curved around and climbed up onto Whernisde's ridge. At this point as we made our way past the crowds of people up onto the summit there was a small snow storm. After not too long we were on our second and highest of the day. We got to the top after 5 hours and 38 minutes.

    The descent from Whernside was steep but everyone coped extremely well. We had a final flat section to Chapel-le Dale where we again met with the support vehicle. This stop was much shorter as everyone was keen to get up to the top of Ingleborough. This path started off gently across some fields before it turned into a single paved path across some boggy land. The path climbed up a couple of steeper sections, and then we were met by a very steep route up onto the main ridge. Everyone got up this well, especially as it was about 19 miles in! Another short climb brought us onto the summit plateau, and then to the summit of Ingleborough. We had got to this point in a very impressive 8 hours 22 minutes. We stopped for a few minutes to enjoy the views, but with a 4 and a bit mile walk back to the cafe, we still had more of the challenge to complete.

    The team made great time down the rocky path, and about half way down the team spread to try and get quicker individual times. Alexandra and Johnathan got back to the Cafe after 9 hours 50 minutes, Suzanne at 9 hours 59, and the rest of the team at 10 hours 12 minutes. An amazing effort had by all, but having Clare be our amazing support car driver made life much easier for us!

  • Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge

    A great day walking the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge.

    The Challenge is to walk a 24 mile circuit over Yorkshire's 3 highest peaks in under 12 hours.

    We set off from the Pen-Y-Ghent Cafe shortly after 8.20am. It was a bright morning but a large cloud was sitting over Pen-Y-Ghent as we headed towards it. We made great progress up towards the steep nose on southern side of Pen-Y-Ghent, and after a quick but steep ascent we were on its summit, after just 1 hour and 8 minutes.

    We left the summit and started to make our way towards Ribblehead. This stretch of the challenge gets a lot of mileage under your belts, and it was made easier as it was unusually dry!

    We reached Ribblehead after just 3 hours and 15 minutes, we were making great progress and on track for a sub 10 hour round. We had a quik stop for some lunch but were keen to get on our way. We now had Whernside in our sites.

    The path made steady progress up the hillside before turning onto the summit ridge. Now back in the cloud we made the long haul up to the windswept summit. We reached the summit of Whernside after 5 hours and 10 minutes. As it was quite cold we left the summit quickly and descended down the steep path to Chapel Le Dale.

    We were still walking very quickly and were ready to take on Ingleborough. After another brief stop we made our way up the stepped paths to the final steep ascent. This steep ascent looks ominous, but we all powered up it in great time. We reached the very misty summit plateau, so after taking a bearing we walked to the summit trig point. We reached the summit of Ingleborough after just 7 hours and 50 minutes.

    We now had a long descent back to Horton in Ribblesdale. We continued to walk at a great pace, and with the conversations still flying it seemed to go by very quickly. Before we knew it we were back in the village and we completed the challenge in just 9 hours 29 minutes!

  • The Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge

    A good day in Yorshire today as a group of 16 people completed the Yorkshire 3 Peaks in challenging conditions!

    The group set off just after 8am from Horton In Ribblesdale in less than perfect conditions and made good time climbing Pen-Y-Ghent and crossing the long boggy section to Ribblehead.

    Spirits were still high though and after a short lunch stop at Ribblehead they were off again up and across Whernside and down to Chapel Le Dale in around 3 hours.

    After another short food stop at Chapel Le Dale they were off again up the steep climb onto Ingleborough and then the long descent back to Horton In Ribblesdale.

    Everyone made it around the course and back again in under the 12 hour mark, the last few with 2 minutes to spare! Not the quickest times but considering the conditions underfoot a great achievement.

    The group back at Horton

  • Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge 13th April 2013

    On Saturday we had 2 team who took up the challenge of 'The Yorkshire 3 Peaks' This involves climbing, Pen Y Gent, Whernside and Ingleborough in under 12 hours.
  • The Dodds

    A pleasant day exploring the Dodds a few little showers but the sun stayed with us and the views were great.

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