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Monthly Archives: May 2011

  • Grange Fell Navigation Training

    A good day on Grange Fell today with a Navigation Training Day.
    We set off from Grange just before 10am and climbed through the woods above Troutdale to the summit of Kings How with several navigational exercises en route, continuing to the summit of Brund Fell, the highest point on Grange Fell, where we stopped for lunch.
    After lunch we continued along the northern ridge with several more exercises before descending back to Grange by a cave.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A good day climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge today, the terrible weather when we set off soon improved, drying by the time we reached Birkhouse Moor and giving us good sunshine by the time we were on the summit.

    We climbed by Lanty's Tarn and followed the wall up along the ridge to Birkhouse Moor, following the ridge past 'Hole In The Wall' to Striding Edge.

    Striding Edge had dried well by the time we reached it, and the strong winds had eased so we crossed the ridge easily and climbed the steep slope to the summit of Helvellyn.

    We stopped in the wind shelter on the summit of Helvellyn, much of the group taking advantage of the hot food and drinks on sale at the summit today, raising money fora trip to Peru.

    After lunch we descended the Swirral Edge ridge and dropped down onto the path by Red Tarn descending by Greenside Mines back to Glenridding.

  • High Street

    A god day climbing High Street from Patterdale today despite some wet and windy weather.

    We set off from the Patterdale Hotel a 10am and climbed by Boredale Hause to The Angletarn Pikes, so far so good the rain was holding off well.

    We descended by Angle Tarn and continued to climb, climbing by The Knott onto the main High Street ridge, crossing the Straits Of Riggindale and climbed alongside the wall to the summit of High Street. As we climbed the final slopes of High Street the rain set in, blowing across us on quite a strong wind.

    After a brief lunch stop behind the wall at the summit of High Street we pressed on, climbing to the summit of Thornthwaite Crag, it was decided to drop out of the wind as soon as possible so we dropped down north east to meet Hayeswater Gill finding a good route down along the gill to Hayeswater to meet the track down to Hartsop and the path back to Patterdale.

  • The Fairfield Horseshoe

    A great day on the Fairfield Horseshoe today with good views all day.

    We followed the track by Rydal Hall to climb the steep slopes of Nab Scar, with great views south over Windermere and down over Rydal Water.

    The ridge continued north crossing Heron Pike and Great Rigg before climbing to the summit of Fairfield. We made good time along the ridge reaching the summit of Fairfield in good time for lunch, stopping in the summit shelter to get out of the fairly strong wind and admire the panoramic views before continuing to cross the summits of Hart Crag and Dove Crag.

    We descended the long southern ridge of Dove Crag, crossing the summits of High Pike and Low Pike with great views ahead of us over Windermere throughout.

    From Low Pike we dropped down to High Sweeden Bridge and followed the track back to Ambleside.

  • Scafell Pike

    A damp day today climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite, we set off from Seathwaite just after 10am and climbed to Sty Head through occasional heavy showers

    We followed the Corridor Route to Lingmell Col and climbed to the summit of Scafell Pike, a heavy shower reached us as we reached the summit so after short stop to take pictures on the summit we descended to one of the wind shelters for a quick lunch stop.

    From the summit we continued north crossing Broad Crag and Ill Crag before descending through Calf Cove to Esk Hause and below Great End to meet the Grains Gill path back to Seathwaite.

    Although damp we had a great day, with some good views.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A great day climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge. We climbed by Birkhouse Moor to Striding Edge and made good time crssng the ridge and climbing to the summit of Helvellyn.

    Although windy with heavy showers this morning we were lucky, hail shower passed quite quickly just before and after we were on the Striding Edge ridge.

    We stopped in the summit wind shelter to eat our sandwiches before crossing the summit to descend the Swirral Edge ridge, down by Red Tarn and followed the track back by Greenside Mines back to Glenridding.

  • Scafell Pike and Lingmell

    Really enjoyable day climbing Scafell Pike from Wasdale. We followed the Hollow Stones route and stopped a good while on the summit, enjoying panoramic views and taking photos.
    We then descended, taking in Lingmell, before having a well earned pint at Ritson's Bar.

  • Blencathra

    A damp and windy day on Blencathra today, although not as bad as could have been expected from the forecasts!

    We left Threlkeld just after 10am, climbing the Halls Fell ridge directly to the summit of Bencathra. Te wind was strong and a heavy shower crossed as we reached the summit so it was decided to walk north and descend over Mungrisdale Common and descend to the track back to Threlkeld by the Blencathra Centre.

  • Skiddaw

    A great day climbing Skiddaw from High Side, Bassenthwate. We followed the ridge over Ullock Pike and Long Side before reching the summit of Carl Side. The weather was good and we were rewarded with good views, particularly south over Derwentwater and Borrowdale.

    We climbed the steep slope from Carl Side to the summit of Skiddaw, the wind on the summit ridge was quite strong, so we dropped down on the eastern side of the summit to eat or sandwiches.

    After lunch we continued north, descending over Bakestall to the supply track for Skiddaw House, descending the track, below Dead Crags to Peter House Farm and crossed the fields back to High Side.

  • The 3 Peaks Challenge

    A great weekend completing the National 3 Peaks Challenge, we just missed out on the 24 hour mark, but the weather was against us over the course of the weekend.

    We set off fro the Ben Nevis Inn at 5pm on Saturday, climbing the tourist path to the summit of Ben Nevis in 3 hours, there was still some snow on top, although far less than on the same weekend last weekend!

    We descended Ben Nevis in good time, dropping down to the Glen Nevis Youth Hostel to start the drive down to Wasdale.

    We made good time on Scafell Pike and were back in the minibus in 3.30, making up for some for the time lost overnight in bad weather.

    We arrived at Pen-Y-Pass with 3.30 remaining of the 24 hours, possible, but tough. The weather was against s though and we were often ankle deep in water  the footpaths and it wasn't possible to rush.

    Oh well, everyone did really well on the challenge and 24.30 is a respectable time, very good given the weather we had to contend with.

  • Wasdale Walking Weekend

    We had a great weekend in Wasdale, despite the horrible weather.
    On Saturday, we climbed Pillar via the high level traverse. After stopping for lunch, we continued to Scoat Fell, Steeple, then Red Pike.
    We then retired to the Wasdale Head Inn for the all important end of walk rehydration.

    On Sunday we slightly amended our route due to conditions, and had a very interesting "walk" up Scafell via Foxes Tarn. After a brief lunch break, the Wainwright baggers ticked off Slight Side before returning to Brackenclose.
    The smiling faces at the cars were a pleasure to behold!

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    Another good day climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge today, the early drizzle and wind soon cleared as we climbed by Lanty's Tarn to Birkhouse Moor and onto the Striding Edge ridge to the summit of Helvellyn.

    After stopping for lunch in the summit shelter on Helvellyn we continued north to Whiteside before descending by the zig-zags above Keppel Cove down to the Greenside Mines and the track back to Glenridding.

    Congratulations to Marjorie who was an inspiration at the age of 85!

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A good day today climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge, we followed the wall from Lanty's Tarn to Birkhouse Moor before climbing by the 'Hole In The Wall' onto Striding Edge.

    We crossed the edge with no trouble and climbed to the summit of Helvellyn, stopping in the wind shelter to eat our sandwiches before descending by Swirral Edge and Red Tarn to the Greenside Mines track back to Glenridding.

  • Helvellyn

    Another really good day on Helvellyn. We took the path to Lanty's Tarn, then continued onto Birkhouse Moor. After a rest stop, we then followed Striding Edge to the summit. We then stopped for lunch before descending Swirral Edge, climbing to Catstycam and descending to pick up the Greenside road. Yet again, another fantastic day weatherwise.
    On arrival at Glenridding, we rehydrated at The Travellers Rest.

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