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Monthly Archives: July 2011

  • The Snowdon Horseshoe

    A good day on the Snowdon Horseshoe today, despite the weather coming in a little during the day!

    We set off from Pen-Y-Pass at 10am and climbed by the PYG Track to the foot of Crib Goch in bright sunshine, climbing and scrambling onto the edge. We made good time crossing a busy Crib Goch before climbing to the summit of Garnedd Ugain, by now we were in thick cloud, this had descended over the summits as we were on Crib Goch and stayed with us for the remainder of the day.

    We stopped for our sandwiches on the summit of Garnedd Ugain before reaching the crowds we could see through the breaks in the cloud approaching the summit of Snowdon.

    After lunch we descended from Garnedd Ugain and climbed the path alongside the railway track to reach the summit of Snowdon, there were no views from the summit today, but plenty of people so  we didn't stop too long on the summit before moving on, and less than 100m from the summit there was nobody to be seen again!

    We descended onto the Watkin path and followed this until we turned off the path to continue along the ridge to the twin summit of Y Lliwedd, the final summit of the day.

    As we descended from Y Lliwedd towards Llyn Llydaw we emerged from the cloud, by now much lower than it was when we entered it this morning, we descended to the shores of Llyn Llydaw before joining the Miners Track and following this back to Pen-Y--Pass.

  • Langdale Valley Walk

    A good shorter walk along the Langdale Valley. Although a little overcast for much of the day we had a good time walking from the New Dungeon Ghyll back to Ambleside.

    We set off from Ambleside on the Langdale bus arriving at the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel just before 10am. Our route for the day brought us back along the valley with plenty of views of the surrounding higher fells eventually bringing us to Chapel Stile and then Elterwater, from here on the walk brought us by Elterwater, with fine views over the lakes to the Langdale Pikes and then top Loughrigg Tarn, we stopped here for lunch watching the wildlife and wild swimmers with the magnificent backdrop over the tarn to the Langdale Pikes.

    From Loughrigg Tarn we followed the path over the southern flanks of Loughrigg before descending to the Under Loughrigg road and crossed the park into Ambleside.

  • Rock Climbing on Castle Rock

    A great morning in the sun Rock Climbing on Castle Rock above St Johns in the Vale.

    We climbed several routes on the south face of Castle Rock, from Moderate to VDiff grades.

    A great morning, we even had a fly past below us by a RAF Hercules aircraft!

  • Lingmoor Fell GPS Training

    A good day on Lingmoor Fell with a GPS Training Course.

    From Elterwater we headed up onto the fellside at the eastern end of Lingmoor Fell and ran several exercises on the slopes before stopping for lunch at a good viewpoint over the Little Langdale Valley before continuing down to the valley and returning to Elterwater.

  • Skiddaw & the Ospreys

    A good day above Bassenthwaite climbing Skiddaw from Dodd Wood, sopping at the RSPB Osprey Viewpoints on the way up through Dodd Wood.

    A wonderful clear day, we had good views of at least two ospreys on and around the nest as we visited the two viewpoints in Dodd Wood, as we continued up through the woods to Narrow Doors we also saw lizards basking in the sun.

    We continued to climb the steep slope towards Carl Side, with wonderful views south over Derwentwater and Borrowdale.

    From Carl Side we continued to climb, this time to the summit of Skiddaw, with a wonderful panoramic view. We stopped out of the breeze to eat our sandwiches and admire the view before continuing, descending south over Skiddaw Little Man, probably the best viewpoint of the day before descending alongside Howe Gill to Applethwaite and back to Dodd Wood.

  • Scafell Pike

    Great day on Scafell Pike today. From Seathwaite, we walked up to Styhead Tarn where we had a brief stop. We then followed the Corridor Route to Lingmell Col and then on to the summit of Scafell Pike.
    After stopping for lunch, we took the path over Broad Crag and down to Esk Hause. From there we took the Grains Gill path back to Seathwaite.
    Blue sky and sunshine all day, but not surprisingly very busy.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    Another great day on Helvellyn today. We set off from Glenridding at 10am and climbed by Lanty's Tarn, following the ridge to the summit of Birkhouse Moor. The views today were exceptional and the winds light as we climbed to High Spying How and onto Striding Edge.

    We made good time crossing Striding Edge and climbed to the summit of Helvellyn, stopping in the sun to admire the views while we ate our lunches.

    After luncch we desccended the Swirral Edge ridge to Red Tarn and followed the path down by Greenside Mines and back to Glenridding.

  • Silver How Navigation Training

    A great day on the Silver How ridge today on a Navigation Training Course. The near perfect weather made it an enjoyable day as we climbed from Elterwater above High Close and followed the ridge west running several navigational exercises as we crossed Silver How to Swinescar Pike.

    We returned from Swinescar pike to descend to Chapel Stile by Megs Gill before following the river back to Elterwater.

  • The Fairfield Horseshoe

    Really nice day on the Fairfield Horseshoe. From Ambleside, we walked along to Rydal Hall then steeply up to Nab Scar.  We then followed the ridge over Heron Pike and Great Rigg to Fairfield where we stopped for lunch.

    After a bite to eat and time spent taking photos, we wandered over to Hart Crag and Dove Crag before descending over High Pike and Low Pike before returning to Ambleside.

    Weatherwise, it was also a good day, being dry with good visibility for the duration.

  • Scafell Pike at night

    A good evening on Scafell Pike today, we sett off from Wasdale at 9.30pm climbing the Brown Tongue path as the sun set, reaching Lingmell Col and the summit of Scafell Pike in the dark, the night was incredibly clear and we were able to see a long distance, the orange moon gave good light as we descended back towards Wasdale, returning to our cars at 1am.

  • Above Mardale

    A great day above Mardale Head today, we set off from the Mardale Head car park and followed the lakeshore east a short way to meet the 'Old Corpse Road' above Rowantreethwaite Beck to meet the grassy path climbing to the summit of Selside Pike.

    From Selside Pike we followed the fence-line west climbing to the cairns on Artlecrag Pike before reaching the summit of Branstree.

    We descendded south from Branstree over Selside Brow and after a short lunch stop we continued to follow the ridge south over Tarn Crag to Grey Crag, this section of the walk was a little boggy underfoot, but we reached the fine viewpoint of Grey Crag.

    After a short stop at the summit of Grey Crag, we returned north, skirting around the summit of Tarn Crag and crossing to Gatesgarth Pass before descending back to Mardale Head.

  • Easdale

    A good short day above Grasmere today with a school geography trip. From Grasmere we climbed by Sour Milk Gill to Easdale Tarn before descending to Far Easdale and following the valley back to Grasmere.

  • Blencathra

    A good day on Blencathra today, a few showers persisted as we climbed the Halls Fell ridge, making the slate ridge quite slippery in places as we climbed to the summit of Blencathra.

    From Blencathra we followed the ridge west, stopping for lunch near the top of the Gategill Fell ridge before descending over Blease Fell back to Threlkeld.

  • The 3 Peaks Challenge

    A very wet weekend on the 3 Peaks Challenge today, some of the worst weather I have ever faced on the 3 Peaks.

    We set off from Glen Nevis at just after 5pm, for the first few minutes we were not wearing waterproofs, this would be the only time for the entire weekend we wouldn't be in quite heavy rain.

    From ten minutes in tough the rain started, very heavy at times as we climbed in good time to the summit of Ben Nevis, making good time we reached the summit and descended in just under 4h 30m.

    After getting into some dry clothes and collecting our food we were on our way to the Lake District, the weather on the journey was horrendous, and we reached Wasdale a little behind schedule, but we made good time, climbing to the summit of Scafell Pike in 1h40m and descending quickly to make an overall time of 3h10m.

    A good journey south from the Lake District to Wales gave us a good chance of completing the challenge, we reached Pen-Y-Pass with 3h 50m remaining of our 24 hours, although by now we had by far the worst weather of the weekend, now very wet and windy, good time was made on the way up, reaching the summit in 1h 50m leaving us 2 hours to get pack to the pass, brilliant.

    We all reached the pass, the last man in with 20 minutes to spare, wet and bedraggled, but considering the conditions throughout the weekend rightly pleased with their achievement.

  • Rock Climbing - Wodens Face

    A good short session climbing on Wodens Face in the Borrowdale Valley.

    We climbed a few good short routes on the right hand face of the crag including Wodens Cheek.

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