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Langdale Pikes

A glorious day today climbing the Langdale Pikes from the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel.

We set off at 10am and climbed alongside Stickle Gill towards Stickle Tarn, taking the path up the zig-zags to the right, climbing below Tarn Crag with Harrison Stickle, the highest of the Langdale Pikes above us.

We were soon up on the shore of Stickle Tarn, and for a while we had the whole tarn to ourselves, the weather was incredibly still again, barely a breeze and the water of the tarn was very still, reflecting the huge rocky face of Pavey Ark.

After a short rest by the tarn we headed off again, following the path around the eastern side of the tarn and by Bright Beck to climb the North Rake path up the eastern flank of Pavey Ark.

The views as we climbed the North Rake were great, unfolding east towards Helvellyn and south over Coniston as we gained height.

We were soon on the summit of Pavey Ark, our first summit of the Langdale Pikes and a wonderful view down over Stickle Tarn and the Langdale Valley.

We crossed from Pavey Ark to the summit of Thunacar Knott, here the views north opened up towards Skiddaw and Scotland.

From Thunacar Knott we headed south to the summit of Harrison Stickle, the highest of the Langdale Pikes and after a few photos on the summit we stopped for our lunch with a good view over Stickle Tarn.

After lunch and a few more photos at the summit we were off again, this time descending to cross Harrison Combe and climbing towards the summit of Pike O'Stickle, scrambling up to the rocky summit we were rewarded with some of the best views of the day, across Mickleden to the Crinkles and Bowfell and deep down into the valley below.

We scrambled back down from the summit of Pike O'Stickle and followed the path along the ridge to Loft Crag, the last of the Langdale Pikes and we were soon up onto the summit, dropping down to cross the top of Dungeon Ghyll and following the path down the shoulder of Harrison Stickle to Pike How and it's fantastic views over the Langdale Valley and then following the path back down to the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel.

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