Due to drive up to the Lakes on Thursday evening, I made a decision on Thursday morning to climb Scafell Pike on Saturday! I came across The Lake District Walker in a Google search and just went for it.
I've never climbed a mountain before, and am reasonably fit, but was slightly nervous, naturally. I was greeted warmly by our guides, Alec and Claire, and the rest of our group as we set off.
To cut 9 long hours short - it was only due to the friendly and supportive nature of the group, and our guides in particular, did I make it up and down Scafell Pike that day. At times, I cried out of pain and mental tiredness - but each time, Alec and Claire supported me and talked me through it. And they were very candid about what to expect, which is what I needed - the worse thing a climber needs is to be told they'll see the peak around the next corner and then not see it! They are both thoroughly knowledgeable about not only the routes but also on how a novice should approach the climb, so you feel safe.