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Monthly Archives: November 2010

  • Scafell Pike

    Another great day in the snow today, today climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite.

    We set off at 10am from Seatoller, the road down to Seathwaite was pretty slippery so we started a little further down the road than usual, walking the mile down the road to Seathwaite and following the track past Stockley Bridge and climbing to Sty Head and onto the Corridor Route, there was about an inch of fresh snow underfoot on top of yesterdays snow and we were breaking new ground on the Corridor Route once we had passed Skew Gill.

    From Lingmell Col there was good firm snow and we put our crampons on  and climbed to the summit of Scafell Pike in bright sunshine.

    The views from the summit were amazing and we sat behind the summit cairn out of the wind to eat our sandwiches.

    After lunch we crossed Broad Crag Col and climbed over Broad Crag and Ill Crag descending through Calf Cove to Esk Hause, descending on good snow to the path below Great End and onto the Grains Gill path.

    We came down on some quite tricky ice as we descended the Grains Gill path, this was easy enough to cross with crampons, but it took a little while to do, meaning that we desccended to Seathwaite in the dark.

    A wonderful day all round.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A wonderful day on Helvellyn and Striding Edge today with plenty of snow right down to the valleys.

    We set off from Glenridding at 10am with a few inches of fresh snow underfoot and climbed to a frozen Lanty's Tarn turning off the main path and following the wall along the ridge climbing to Birkhouse Moor.

    We followed the ridge west past the 'Hole In The Wall' and up along the ridge with firmer snow underfoot now to the start of Striding Edge.

    Ice axes and crampons were used to cross Striding Edge, the edge was in good condition with plenty of snow on it and the winds were quite light and we crossed with little difficulty.

    As we climbed onto the edge of the Helvellyn summit plateau we were rewarded with a short glimpse of a large Brocken Spectre before the clouds cleared and it vanished.

    We stopped in the summit shelter on Helvellyn for a quick rest and a sandwich.

    Our descent was down along the Swirral Edge ridge, the snow on Swirral Edge was good and we had no problem descending, taking the path down by Red Tarn and down by Greenside Mines back to Glenridding.

  • Silver How Navigation Training

    A cold day on Silver How with a Navigation Training Course today.

    From Elterwater we climbed onto the ridge above High Close and ran several navigation exercises along the ridge over Silver How and as far as Blea Rigg.

    There was a strong northerly wind all day and it was very cold in the wind, there were occasional snow showers during the day, but there were some great views of the higher fells surrounding us.

    We descended by Meg's Gill to Chapel Stile and followed the river path back to Elterwater.

  • Scafell Pike

    A great day climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite today.

    We set off from Seathwaite at 10am and climbed by Sty Head and along the Corridor Route to Lingmell Col, here we were rewarded with some great views over the Irish Sea to the Isle Of Man.

    We climbed the steep slope to the summit of Scafell Pike, now in firm snow and took a break at the summit, sheltering from the cold wind. The summit was in cloud so there were no views today.

    From Scafell Pike we descended north to Broad Crag Col, there was a little more snow on this section than at the weekend, but nothing too hard, we crossed Broad Crag and Ill Crag before descending by Calf Cove and Esk Hause (there was much less snow here than at the weekend) descending below Great End and onto the Grains Gill path down to Seathwaite, returning to the farm at 4.15.

  • The Coniston Fells

    A good day on The Coniston Fells today.

    From Coniston village we climbed by Coppermines Valley and up past the mine workings to the summit of The Old Man Of Coniston. From the summit we had some exceptional views, including a feint view down to  north Wales!

    From the summit we crossed to Brim Fell before climbing into the cloud on Swirl How, we stopped for our lunch in the rocks near the summit where we had occasional glimpses of views through the clouds.

    From Swirl How we descended the Prison Band route to climb to the summit of Wetherlam, still in cloud and after a short stop at the summit we descended on the path down to Coppermines Valley, shortly after leaving the summit we emerged from the cloud and had some great views over Coniston, Langdale and across to Windermere and Morecambe Bay.

    We descended to Coppermines Valley and followed the track back to Coniston Village.

  • Scafell Pike

    Another great day climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite, Borrowdale today.

    We set off from Seathwaite just after 10am climbing by Sty Head and onto the Corridor Route. The path to Sty Head was a bit icy underfoot so care was needed, but as we got to the footbridge over Sty Head Gill we were in the sunshine soo there was no ice underfoot.

    As we reached the upper sections of the Corridor Route we reached the snowline, it was a bit firmer than it has been for a few days and we had good fun climbing by Lingmell Coll to the summit of Scafell Pike.

    We were in cloud from Lingmell Coll to the summit and this persisted until we were descending by Ruddy Gill later in the day so there were no views from the summit.

    After the usual photo's on the summit we took some shelter near the summit and ate our packed lunches.

    After lunch we left the summit descending to Broad Crag Col and climbing over Broad Crag and Ill Crag before descending by Calf Cove and down below Esk Hause tomeet the Grains Gill path below Great End and followed this back down to Seathwaite, walking the last 30 minutes into Seathwaite in the dark.

    Although there were very few views for much of the day we had a great day!

  • The Fairfield Horseshoe

    A good day on The Fairfield Horseshoe today.

    We set off just after 10am from Ambleside following the track to Rydal Hall and climbed the steep slope up Nab Scar,  there was a little patchy low cloud this morning which gave some impressive views over Windermere, Rydal Water and Grasmere as we climbed over Nab Scar and followed the ridge over Heron Pike and up to Great Rigg.

    As we climbed towards Fairfield the cloud broke on all but the highest fells to the west and we sat and ate our packed lunches in the summit shelter with a magnificent view over the Far Eastern Fells.

    After lunch we continued south along the ridge crossing the summit of Hart Crag to Dove Crag and followed the long gentle ridge down over High Pike and Low Pike descending to High Sweeden Bridge and following the track back to Ambleside, back into town just after 4pm.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A spectacular day on Helvellyn and Striding Edge today.

    We set off from Glenridding at just after 10am climbing to Lanty's Tarn, there was a thin layer of high cloud but nothing on any of the summits, as we climbed the ridge towards Birkhouse Moor a mid layer of cloud began to blow over from the south west, covering many of the summits.

    Theis began to lift though as we climbed towards Striding Edge and at High Spying How there was just a thin blanket covering some of the high summits.

    There was a fair amount of snow still on the northern side of the Striding Edge ridge, but nothing facing south, this made the crossing of the edge pretty easy, we rarely had to tread on the snow and ice.

    We made good progress and climbed the steep climb towards the summit plateau, there was a little more snow settled here today, but it was easy enough to climb up and we emerged on the summit in sunshine to look west with several summits peeking out above a layer of cloud.

    We walked up to the wind shelter and stopped for our sandwiches and to admire the view.

    After lunch we crossed to White Side and followed thepath above Keppel Cove and descended the Zig-zags descending to the track down to Greenside Mines and back too Glenridding.

  • Grange Fell

    A good day on Grange Fell today, we set off from Grange at 10am and climbed through Troutdale and up through the woods to King's How, there were some great views down over Borrowdale and over Derwentwater although some of the higher tops were in cloud today.

    From Kings How we crossed to Brund Fell, the highest point on Grange Fell and a good viewpoint over the Southern end of Borrowdale and across to High Raise and Pike O'Stickle.

    From Brund Fell we descended south onto the main Watendlath to Rosthwaite track and followed this down to Rosthwaite, passing through the village to the bridge over the Derwent and following the river back to Grange.

  • The 24 Peaks in 24 Hours Day 2

    A horrendous day on the fells today, the forecast was due to deteriorate during the day with 100mph winds due by the end of the day, so we set off early to see what we could do before things got too bad!

    We set off from Swirls near Thirlmere at 7.30 climbing the path towards Helvellyn, heavy rain eased as we set off to give showers for the rest of the day, although some were pretty heavy.

    Three quarters of the way to the summit the wind was getting too strong and it was decided that it would not be safe to go any higher so we turned round and descended back down to Swirls.

    We followed the forest track up to Dunmail Raise and walked down into Grasmere where after a short lunch stop we followed the Coffin Route back to Ambleside.

    A disappointing day but there was very little we could do in the end!

  • The 24 Peaks in 24 Hours Day 1

    A near perfect day in the snow today, we set off from Buttermere just after 8am climbing by Sour Milk Gill onto the summit of Red Pike, a wonderful view over the Solway and out to the Isle Of Man with Ireland just visible beyond!

    We followed the ridge east climbing to the summit of High Stile and then onto High Crag, descending the steep slope of Gamlin End and onto Haystacks.

    The snow was quite deep in places and much of the usually boggy ground on the southern side of Haystacks was frozen over, progress on this ground was slow but we pressed on to climb to the summit of Brandreth and followed the ridge over Green Gable to climb to the summit of Great Gable, watching a snowboarder on theslopes of Green Gable and a paraglider above our heads on Great Gable. We had lost a lot of time between High Crag and Brandreth so it was decided not to climb Scafell Pike, the boulder fields on Broad Crag and Ill Crag would not much fun in the dark!

    Instead we descended to Sty Head and followed the path to Sprinkling Tarn and onto the summit of Seathwaite Fell and then over the Allen Crags, here the sun set and we descended by Angle Tarn to Rossett Pike in the dark and down the Rossett Gill path to Mickledore and the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel, for a well earned drink, arriving at the hotel at 7.50pm, 10 summits and a great day on the fells.
    Looking across the valley to Robinson from Red Pike

  • Winter Conditions on Striding Edge

    A good day in some good snow on Helvellyn and Striding Edge today, although the weather was pretty challenging at times!

    We set of from Glenridding just after 10am climbing by Lanty's Tarn onto the ridge to Birkhouse Moor, there was quite a lot of snow lying on the ground by the time we reached Birkhouse Moor, drifted fairly deep in places, particularly along the wall as we walked towards the "Hole in the Wall", the wind was also increasing as we climbed towards High Spying How at the start of the Striding Edge ridge.

    We picked our way along the ridge, taking care over the icy sections and the gusty wind in places on the crest of the ridge, but with care we made good progress along the ridge and climbed to the summit of Helvellyn.

    Although we had been in the cloud from Birkhouse Moor we did get occasional glimpses of some great views down over Red Tarn and back towards Ullswater, this cleared for a while while we were on the summit giving is some great views all around, although we were being battered by spindrift blowing across the summit!

    It was decided as the wind was getting stronger that  we would not descend the Swirral Edge ridge to Catstycam and instead we would follow the ridge north to White Side and descend the zig-zag path down by Keppel Cove to Greenside Mines and back along the valley to Glenridding.

  • The Great Gable Traverse

    A spectacular day on The Great Gable Traverse today.

    From Seathwaite we climbed by the Taylorgill Force path to Sty Head and onto the climbers traverse path on the southern flank of Great Gable.

    We had some gret views as we passed Kern Knotts and climbed towards Great Napes across Great Hell Gate. We climbed up onto the Dress Circle to get the best view of Napes Needle and wathed a couple of climbers on the first pitch of needle ridge before following the scramble to our left crossing the high level traverse to get a oodview of the Sphinx Rock before scrambling back down to the path.

    We crossed Little Hell Gate and picked a route up over White Napes an climbed up the side of Westmorland Crag to the Westmorland Cairn where we stopped for our lunch.

    After lunch we climbed the short distance to the summit before descending north towards Green Gable, as we descended towards Windy Gap we passed a group with an injured member, but Mountain Rescue was on their way and no help was  so we carried on descending to Windy Gap.

    At windy Gap the RAF Sea King Helicopter passed over our heads and as we climbed to Green Gable hovered just over our heads, we watched for a few minutes then carried on descending the path towards Base  Brown and down into Gillercombe and dropped down to Seathwaite on the path next to Sour Milk Gill.

  • Snow on Scafell Pike

    A great day climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite.

    We followed the path climbing to Sty Head from Seathwaite and onto the Corridor Route climbing to Lingmell Col before following the path climbing to the summit of Scafell Pike. As we climbed the final 100m to the summit of Scafell Pike we entered the cloud and it started to snow, settling a little on the summit.

    We stopped on the summit to eat our sandwiches, while there the clouds broke and the snow stopped giving some stunning views.

    We descended along the ridge north crossing Broad Crag and Ill Crag to descend over Esk Hause and below Great End onto the Grains Gill path back to Seathwaite.

  • The Fairfield Horseshoe

    A good day on the Fairfield Horseshoe, from Ambleside we crossed the fields to Rydal Hall climbing the steep path onto Nab Scar, the first peak of the day.

    The views were great, most of the summits were below the cloud level and we had clear views over Grasmere, Rydal and south over Windermere.

    From Nab Scar we followed the ridge climbing to the summits of Heron Pike and then Great Rigg, a little rain was falling as we climbed Great Rigg, we pressed on to climb to the summit of Fairfield, stopping in one of the shelters to eat our packed lunches before pressing on, crossing to the summit of Hart Crag and then onto Dove Crag.

    We descended the ridge over High Pike and Low Pike, the rain returning in patches as we descended from Low Pike to High Sweeden Bridge and followed the track back above Scandale Beck to Ambleside.Climbing towards Nab Scar

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