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24 Peak Challenge

We had a corporate group tackling the 4 Peak Challenge over 2 days.Starting in Buttermere and finishing in Langdale on day 1.

We set off from Buttermere climbing up to Red PIke, High Stile and High Crag, 3 summits down and just 21 of the 4 Peak Challenge remaining!

Here we dropped down to Scarth Gap and over Haystacks.We passed Great Round How crossing in thick cloud to Gillercomb Head up to  Green Gable the cloud cleared. Crossing Windy Gap to the summit of Great Gable accompanied by great views.

Reaching Sty Head we then joined The Corridor Route up to Lingmell.  We had  thwarted views by hail showers.The push to the Scafell Pike summit was rewarded with views opening up. The cloud returned whilst we crossed to Great End. Across the top we got amongst a rather cold blizzard.

Once down at Esk Hause we started to lose the light. The views of the setting sun and cloud formations combined with the dusting of snow were fantastic.However we pressed on keen to get down.

From Esk Pike we reached Bowfell with head torches at the ready. We  lost the light descending to Three Tarns.  Then over The Band,  the Moon looked fantastic passing Stool End Farm, finishing at The Old Dungeon Gill Hotel.

This was a long and challenging day with a real mix of conditions but despite this everyone dug deep and were fantastic as a group. Keeping the moral up right to the end.

Day 2  starting on The Kirkstone Pass and finishing the challenge at St Johns in the Vale.

The first part of the day was spent in the cloud with a keen and cold wind. Climbing steeply up to Red Screes. From here crossing to Dove Crag, Hart Crag and Fairfield.

Dropping to Hause Gap gaining Seat Sandal. The cloud started to thin and we were join by the sun and the views opened out. Passing Grisdale Tarn we took the steep incline to Dollywaggon Pike and Nethermost Pike.

Helvellyn, our Highest Summit of the day on our journey across the tops. Here we descended to Whiteside  and on to Raise. With just the Dodds to go, Stybarrow, Watsons and our final  summit Great Dodd.

We contoured round Descending down passing Castle Rock  completing the challenge at Legburthwaite. Here finishing with some bubbly in the evening sunshine.

Congratulations to everyone that took part! Thinking hats on for next years challenge...


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