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Great Gable from Seathwaite

A very windy day today climbing Great Gable from Seathwaite.

We set off from Seathwaite at 10am and climbed to Sty Head Pass, turning off up the breast towards Great Gable, as we climbed higher the winds got stronger, although it was dry, as we passed the 2000ft mark we entered the cloud, and as we reached the summit it was pretty chilly in the wind. We stopped behind the summit rocks to eat our lunches before descending to Windy Gap, (there was less wind here today than anywhere else!) before climbing to the summit of Green Gable. The wind on the summit of Green Gable was stronger than Great Gable and we didn't stop long before descending down onto the Base Brown path, dropping down into Gillercombe and out of the wind then down by the side of Sour Milk Gill and back to Seathwaite.

Descending below the cloud towards Base Brown Descending below the cloud towards Base Brown

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