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  1. Rock Climbing: Friday 2nd August 2013
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    Rock Climbing: Friday 2nd August 2013

    1 x £25.00
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Scafell Pike

A great day on Scafell Pike today, clear skies and unspoilt views all around,although yesterdays strong wind held up for most of the day.

We climbed from Seathwaite via Sty Head and the Corridor Route to Lingmell Col and the Summit of Scafell Pike in bright sunshine, the views from the summit were magnificent, from Blackpool Tower to Yorkshire, The radar station on Great Mell Fell, Scotland across the Solway and great views of the Isle Of Man.

From the summit of Scafell Pike we descended north over Broad Crag and Ill Crag to Esk Hause and along the Grains Gill path back to Seathwaite, a great days walking!


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