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Scafell Pike

A great day on Scafell pike today, cloud on the summit, but some great views on the way up and down.

We left Seathwaite just after 10am and headed up the path via Stockley Bridge to Sty Head. From Sty Head we continued along the Corridor Route to Scafell Pike, climbing to Lingmell Col. From the col it didn't take us long to get to the summit where we sheltered from quite a cold wind to eat oour sandwicches.

After a short lunch break we followed the ridge north over Broad Crag and Ill Crag descending from the cloud to Esk Hause, with fantastic views over Borrowdale, Langdale and Eskdale before turning agin north and descending onto the Grains Gill path back to Seathwaite.

The forecast bad weather this afternoon never happened and we had a dry day!


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