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Scafell Pike

A fantabulous day walking today, taking in Scafell Pike and Great End. Terry and Chris Lockwood, Les and Alan all met me at Seathwaite Farm at 10am. The weather report I had seen the previous night hinted showers mixed in with sunny patches, but this was far from the case at the start, the sun was already beating down and it was obvious the group was raring to get high and see some views. We took the path up to Stockley Bridge, and then cut across and up towards Styhead Ghyll. Our path ahead of us, the Corridor route up to Lingmell Col, was laid before us. By half twelve we had completed the corridor
route and were about to start our last slog up to the summit of the Pike. On
the way up we cut off the path to our special Wastwater viewpoint. Shortly after half one we were on the summit of the Pike. Alan had now got his ‘big three’ sealed up (Ben Nevis, Snowdon and SFP), and we all sat and enjoyed the fantastic
views over much needed lunch break. The group was doing great for time so we decided to bag Great End on the way past. This was another great opportunity for Les and Terry to put their photography skills to the test as Borrowdale was
laid out before them. We worked our way round to the top of Grains Gill, where we filled up our water bottles from the stream, and then started our long descent path down. About an hour and half later we were back at our starting
point, and all felt sufficiently tired. A fantastic walk, with a great group,but most surprisingly amazing weather all day! Ill take another serving of that please.