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Scafell Pike

A day with clear summits allowed great views from the summit of Scafell Pike, but the cold north-westerly wind is still blowing.

Yet another clear day saw us up Scafell Pike, with the clouds far above the summits and a light wind to keep us cool. We set off from Seathwaite at a rapid pace and were soon high up alongside the lapping waters of Styhead Tarn. The clouds gave us some interesting light on the mountains all day, and Piers Gill looked suitably menacing as we sat having a snack by the stretcher box.

This was also a day of GPSs, not that we needed one, but that we saw lots of other people with them, and seemingly looking at them more that at the scenery. This seemed a shame considering you could see the whole route ahead and it wasn't long before we met a couple who were descending into the wrong valley. Luckily we put them right. First lesson of the day was learn to navigate properly before buying a GPS!


The North-Westerly wind on the summit of Scafell Pike was suitably cold to make us take our lunch break further down, but at least the warm air out of the wind allowed us to admire the views east to Helvellyn and the Yorkshire Dales beyond.

Another dry day allowed a quick descent down Grains Gill into the windless heatwave happening in the valley.


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