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The 3 Peaks Challenge

Back late last night from another Peaks Challenge event. At times the weather over the weekend was atrocious, but we were so lucky that nearly all the rain fell when we were in the mini bus.

The group bonded quickly and we chattering away through the night, where other groups are usually fast asleep.

Ben Nevis went without a hitch with everyone up and down within 5 hours. Re-fuel and refreshed headed off the Scafell Pike, the early hours through Glasgow (where normally the group are fast asleep) we where laughing and joking and in high spirits! I (Lyanda) cranked the heating up and within half an hour they where sleeping like babies (cruel to be kind)! Scafell looked moody and mysterious with veils of clouds, they piled out ready for the second summit with excitement. The heavy rain on the drive down from Carlisle soon dissipated upon our arrival as they set off up the Brown Tongue Path from Brackenclose.

After telling another group which route to take up (it's amazing how disorganised some groups can be, one group had even set off without even checking their route and had to ask the way to Scafell Pike! Another group on last months didn't know if he had 19 or 17 in the group and was frantically trying to call their parents to ask if they were with him on the challenge this appeared not to be an issue until he tried to count them back onto the bus and 2 were 'missing on the mountain'!) we climbed the Brown Tongue path quickly and made good time to the summit, thick in cloud, before descending back to Wasdale, in a time of 4.20.  The journey down to Snowdon was a mixture of excitement, snoozing, games and swapping stories.  As we made our approach the group started to prepare for the final stage, two decided not to finish due to an earlier knee jarring which was felt needed the rest to prevent further chance of injury. The weather for the final half hours drive was atrocious, wind screen wipers worked overtime and everyone prepared for a soggy sumit. We arrived at the final drop point, the weather broke and even a few spots of blue sky could be seen (maybe with a little imagination)!  They disembarked, chattering and excited they headed off into the clouds.

We climbed quickly along the PYG track, with some stunning views until as we reached the summit ridge we entered the clouds. The remaining group limbed really quickly and then flew downhill again completing the leg in 3.30.

A blinding finish all three Peaks walked in 12 hrs 50 mins!!!!!!!!!

Back to our top secret celebratory spot for hot food and drink and a banter about our next challenge!  Suggested a get together walk and wild camp! Then came the frantic number exchanges, clothes changed and back to the bus for the journey home dropping off in Manchester.

We enjoyed meeting you all, you have been excellent company and well done everyone! xx

John (Guide) & Lyanda (Driver, Mother to all)

One thought on “The 3 Peaks Challenge”

  • Mandy and Shell
    Mandy and Shell June 14, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    First of all we need to thank both Lyanda and John for their humour, encouragement, professionalism but most importantly the Nigel Mansell driving - an experience in itself. They even managed to put together a brilliant mix of people to enjoy the three peaks with us. The knowledge of our guide John, was outstanding and he was always ready with the information requested at the time. Always keen to point out the sights, including Jimmy Savills bungalow! The whole experience from start to finish was one of the best of our lives!!!! Both of us would love to do it again, once the muscles have returned to normal!! A huge thank you to you both.


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