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Monthly Archives: June 2011

  • Pillar and The High Level Route

    Another great day above Wasdale today, this time we were climbing Pillar via the High Level Route.

    As we set off from Wasdale Head a few patches of light rain fell but these didn't last long, and it was soon dry again for the remainder of the day.

    We climbed steadily to reach Black Sail Pass in good time turning left to reach the start of the High Level Route path, traversing the northern flanks of Pillar, to first the Robinson Cairn and then climbing above Pillar Rock to the summit of Pillar.

    We made good time on the High Level Route and climbed to the summit of Pillar, stopping in the summit shelter to at our lunches and admire the views.

    After lunch we crossed Wind Gap and Black Crag to reach the summit of Scoat Fell and the wonderful Steeple, with its great views over the Ennerdale Valley.

    After crossing back over Scoat Fell we descended the long southern ridge, crossing the tops of Red Pike and down to Dore Head, from here climbing the easy scramble of Stirrup Crag and crossing the long summit ridge of Yewbarrow.

    We descended from the southern end of Yewbarrow, watching Kestrels playing and diving high above our heads and Ring Ousels in the rocks as we descended to the Wasdale Valley and the walk back to the Wasdale Head Inn.

  • Skiddaw and the Ospreys

    Great day on Skiddaw via the osprey viewpoints. From Dodd Wood car park, we walked up to the viewpoints where we spent quite a while watching the ospreys and having questions answered by the volunteer wardens on hand.
    We then wandered up to Dodd where we had a short break before climbing up to Skiddaw via Carl Side. After our lunch break, we descended over Little Man then down to Applethwaite before returning to the car park. Other than being rather cool on top, the weather was very kind as we had blue sky and sunshine all day.

  • Scafell & Scafell Pike

    A wonderful day today climbing Scafell Pike and Scafell from Wasdale Head, the weather was wonderful all day.

    We set off from The Wasdale Head Inn at 10am and climbed the path alongside Piers Gill, scrambling up the rocky sections of the path before crossing the Corridor Route to pick a more direct route above Lingmell Col to the summit of Scafell Pike.

    We stopped in the sun on  the summit of Scafell Pike to eat our lunches before descending to Mickledore crossing to the foot of Lords Rake we climbed the steep first section of the rake to the West Wall Traverse, crossing the grassy ledge before the easy scramble up the upper section of Moss Ghyll to emerge at the top of Scafell Crag, alongside Scafell Pinnacle.

    After the short walk to the summit of Scafell and a short break here to admire the views we descended the Green How path down to Brackenclose and back along the valley to the Wasdale Head Inn.

    A wonderful day.

  • Bowfell & The Great Slab

    A great day on Bowfell today, we set off from the Old Dungeon Ghyll and climbed from Stool End up The Band, turning off onto the Climbers Traverse path and crossing to the foot of The Great Slab.

    As we reached the slab the cloud blew over us and we were in cloud for much of the next few hours walking.

    We climbed up the Great Slab, emerging above it to walk to the summit of Bowfell and stopped for our packed lunches just below the summit rocks, unfortunately no views here today so we pressed on, descending in very thick cloud to Ore Gap and crossing the summit of Esk Pike to descend to Esk Hause and Angle Tarn.

    As we reached Angle Tarn the cloud began to break and we were rewarded with some wonderful views from the summit of Rossett Pike.

    We descended the Rossett Gill path to Mickleden in warm sunshine and followed the valley back to the Old Dungeon Ghyll.

  • Scafell & Scafell Pike

    A good day on The Scafells today, although we were in thick cloud on the summits.

    We set off from Wasdale Head just after 10am and climbed the shoulder of Lingmell, climbing to the summit of Lingmell, just in the cloud, although we did get some glimpses of views over Great Gable and north.

    From Lingmell we crossed Lingmell Col and climbed to the summit of Scafell Pike, now in thick cloud and after a lunch stop in one of the wind shelters near the summit we descended south to Mickledore, a group of 108 was also descending this route, and after a quick chat with one of their instructors we decided to pick another route and descended from Mickledore to Lords Rake, climbing the rake and to the summit of Scafell.

    The cloud was very thick here today, we were unable to see the pinnacle from the the of Moss Ghyll, and after a short stop and a few photos at the summit of Scafell we descended the Green How route, down to Brackenclose and back long the valley to the Wasdale Head Inn.

  • Blencathra & Sharp Edge

    A damp day on Blencathra today, we set off from Threlkeld at 10am and decided rather than the usual route of climbing by the Halls Fell Ridge before attempting Sharp Edge we would instead head straight to Sharp Edge, trying to reach the edge before the weather deteriorated!

    We made good time climbing to Scales Tarn, the weather was dry and a warm breeze had dried any damp rocks so we climbed onto the Sharp Edge ridge, crossing the edge without too many difficulties.

    As we climbed above the ridge the clouds descended to envelop us, and as we climbed towards the summit of Blencathra rain started to fall, we had been lucky with the weather!

    After stopping at the summit of Blencathra we descended west, following the path over Blease Fell and descending back to Threlkeld.

  • Helvellyn

    Lovely walk up Helvellyn today.

    From Glenridding, we followed the path to Lanty's Tarn then continued onto Birkhouse Moor.

    After a short break we had an amusing 'walk' along Striding Edge, before scrambling to the summit where we sat in the shelter for lunch.
    We then descended Swirral Edge, climbed Catstycam, and descended again to pick up the path down to the Greenside road before returning to Glenridding.

  • The Langdale Pikes via Jack's Rake

    A great day on the Langdale Pikes today, we climbed in good weather to Stickle Tarn, walking around the tarn to climb to the start of Jack's Rake.

    After a short stop below Easy Gully we began climbing Jacks Rake, making good progress and emerging in sunshine onto the summit of Pavey Ark.

    From Pavey Ark we continued to the summit of Harrison Stickle, stopping out of the light breeze to eat our packed lunches with a wonderful view over Stickle Tarn and Pavey Ark, watching others progress up Jack's Rake.

    From Harrison Stickle we crossed Harrison Combe to the summit of Pike O'Stickle before descending to Loft Crag, following the path alongside Dungeon Ghyll back to the Langdale Valley.

  • Haystacks

    A very damp day on Haystacks today, low cloud and rain continued through the walk, as we climbed from Gatesgarth to Scarth Gap and to the summit of Haystacks.

    From Haystacks we descended by Innominate Tarn and Blackeck Tarn to descend by Warnscale Beck, stopping in the shelter of the Warnscale Bothy to eat our lunch before descending back to Gatesgarth.

  • Yorkshire 3 Peaks

    A busy day on the Yorkshire 3 Peaks today. The torrential rain soon eased as we climbed the sloes of Pen y Ghent and half an hour after setting off was little more than light patchy drizzle.

    We were in the cloud on the summit of Pen y Ghent but as we descended for the long stretch to Ribblehead the clouds lifted to show the summits.

    After a short stop at Ribblehead we pressed on climbing to the summit of Whernside, with magnificent views over the dales and west to Morecambe Bay.

    We descended south to Chapel Le Dale before climbing the steep final slope to Ingleborough, the final summit of the day, by now back in cloud and after a short stop on the summit we descended the long path over Sulber back to Horton In Ribblesdale, completing the challenge in 10.30.

  • Scafell Pike

    A good day climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite today, the early rain soon cleared as we set off from Seathwaite climbing to Sty Head and onto the Corridor Route to Lingmell Col and the summit of Scafell Pike.

    We sopped by the summit cairn to eat our lunches before continuing to follow the ridge north, crossing Broad Crag and Ill Crag before descending through Calf Cove to Esk Hause droping down to the Grains Gill path back to Seathwaite.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A good day climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge, although the morning was a little damp at times.

    We set off from Glenridding at 10am and climbed by Lanty's Tarn and followed the ridge up to Birkhouse Moor climbing onto the Striding Edge ridge.

    We crossed Striding Edge easily and climbed to he summit of Helvellyn, stopping in the summit shelter to eat our sandwiches. After lunch we descended the Swirral edge ridge dropping out of the poor weather. As we descended by Red Tarnad down by Greenside Mines the weather improved and we reached Glenridding in sunshine.

  • Bidean Nam Bian & the Lost Valley

    A wonderful day today climbing Bidean nam Bian from Glencoe.climbing by Coire nan Lochan and picking a directroute to Stob Coire nan Lochan stopping to eat our packed lunches on the saddle just before the summit of Bidean nam Bian.

    After lunch we climbed the short slope to the wonderful summit of  Bidean nam Bian and were rewarded with wonderful 360 degree views.

    From the summit we descended the ridge east to pick up the bath descending Bealach Dearg and the path down into Coire Gabhail, the Lost Valley, following the wonderful valley north to descend back to Glencoe.

  • Ben Nevis via the CMD Arête

    A great day climbing Ben Nevis via the CMD ridge today.

    We set of from the visitor centre and climbed by Lochan Meall an t-Suidhe following the pat below the north face of Ben Nevis to the CIC Hut.

    From the CIC Hut we climbed north, up the steep slope to the summit of Carn Mor Dearg where we stopped for our lunch.

    From Carn Mor Dearg we followed the arête south crossing the narrow ridge before climbing to the summit of Ben Nevis.

    After a short rest at the summit  Ben Nevis watching the cloud blow in below us and a rescue by the RAF we descended the tourist path back to Glen Nevis.

    A really lucky day with the weather, we never got any of the heavy showers that were forecast, although some passed by pretty close throughout the day.

  • Helvellyn and Striding Edge

    A good day climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge today, we set off from Glenridding in heavy rain, but this soon improved as we climbed by Lanty's Tarn and followed the ridge to Birkhouse Moor.

    From Birkhouse Moor we followed the ridge past the 'Hole In The Wall' to reach High Spying How and Striding Edge. We crossed the edge quickly, there was very little wind today and climbed the steep slope to the summit of Helvellyn.

    After sopping to eat our sandwiches in the summit shelter we descended the Swirral Edge ridge and dropped down to Red Tarn and the Greenside Mines path back to Glenridding.

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