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Monthly Archives: August 2012

  • Scafell and Scafell Pike

    A great day upScafell Pike and Scafell today.

    We made great progress up the Brown tongue path to a misty summit. When we got to the summit we stopped for some lunch, but unfortunately the rain didn't hold off and we had to get our waterproofs on.

    We descended from the summit of Scafell Pike down to Mickledore, where we continued to descend before picking up the waterfall that led to Fox's Tarn. From the tarn we climbed up the steep scree slope to the summit of Scafell. From the summit we descended under the mist down Green How.

    After making it into the valley we followed the road back along to the Wasdale Head.

  • The Buttermere Fells

    A fantastic day on The Buttermere Fells today!

    From Buttermere we made our way along the lake shore. As there had been a lot of rain recently we opted to avoid the boggy ground and head up the steep path straight up the fellside to the summit of Red Pike. Along the way short showers came and went, but as we reached the summit we were in the mist. From the summit we made our way through the thick mist up to the summit of High Stile. Shortly after High Stile we reached the summit of High Crag, and fortunately we were now under the mist and enjoying good views.

    We descended to Scarth Gap where we had some lunch. As we chopped the first bit off of the walk we used the time to climb to the summit of Haystacks. We descended off of Haystacks down the Warnscale path and then back to Buttermere via the lakeshore.

  • Scafell Pike from Seathwaite

    Another mixed bag of weather climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite today.

    We set out from Seathwaite in the rain and it stuck with us all the way up to Styhead Pass. The pass was covered in thick mist and a few people were already turning around as they didnt fancy it. We joined the Corridor Route and on the way up the mist started to clear through a little bit to provide some glimpses of a view.

    We climbed well up the Corridor Route and after reaching Lingmell Col we climbed up the final slopes to the summit of Scafell Pike. We had a couple of quick snaps before getting into the shelter for lunch. The rain had now eased and we enjoyed a drier descent across Broad Crag and Ill Crag. We chose to grab the optional Great End today, from which we did get some good views down Borrowdale.

    We continued with our usual descent down Grains Gill via Esk hause after this summit.




    Starting from Seathwaite Farm we set off towards the Stockley Bridge. The fells were covered in the mist but we were optimistic it would shift!

    After climbing by Taylorgill Force we made it to Styhead pass where Scafell Pike was only just covered by some mist. We then joined the Corridor route on which we made great progress. Not before long we were up the final summit ascent and onto the summit of , but unfortunately still in the mist, just! While eating lunch the mist did blow through from time to time allowing us some good views.

    After lunch we descended to Broad Crag col and made our way by Broad Crag and Ill Crag to Calf Cove. From here we walked to Esk Hause and shortly after joined the top of our descent route, Grains Gill.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A super wet day climbing Helvellyn & Striding Edge.

    Rain was the main feature of the day today, oh and wind! We left Glenridding and within minutes we were already pretty well saturated! We climbed by Mires Beck up towards Striding Edge where we saw the wind really ripping across. We were confident and did make our way across Striding Edge, but missed out some of the more exposed sections. Soon enough we were on the summit of Helvellyn. We stopped in the shelter for lunch, and it was a welcomed escape from the wind.

    After our break we descended Swirral Edge and made our way back into Glenridding via Greenside Mine.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A Mixed day climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge.

    The weather forecast was for scattered showers and that was what we got. From Glenridding we went via Mires Beck as it was a bit windier, and all the way up to the start of Striding Edge we had on and off showers. The wind was still gusting every now and then, so as we made our way across the edge carefully we just chose particular bits to do. Everyone did well on the edge in the conditions we had, and by about half 1 we were on the summit. During our lunch it all cleared to provide great views and the sun even came out for us.

    We descended Swirral Edge and made our way back to Glenridding via Greenside Mine in the lovely afternoon heat!

  • Borrowdale Valley Walk with SAGA

    A lovely low level walk today with the SAGA group.

    We left the Borrowdale Hotel and made our way up the road to then cut off and walk across the bottom shores of Derwent Water. Shortly after we joined the road that led us into Grange. In Grange we stopped at the cafe for a bit. After this break we made our way along the river to Rosthwaite where we had some lunch.

    After Lunch some people got the bus back to the hotel but some of us walked along the roadside via the Bowderstone back to the Hotel.

  • The Old Man of Coniston

    A great day today climbing the Old Man of Coniston.

    We set off from Coniston just after 10am and climbed by Church Beck into the Coppermines Valley, following the track up through the slate mines to Low Water. We took our time and had plenty of stops to enjoy the views.

    The Cloud kept on clearing from the summit of The Old Man, but as we reached Low Water it blew in over the summit. We climbed the final zig zags up to the windswept summit of The Old Man of Coniston where we sat and enjoyed our lunch.

    After lunch we continued along the ridge, crossing to the summit of Brim Fell and descending to Levers Hawse where we gained some good views once more.

    We we back on the ascent and climbed to the summit of Swirl How before descending the Prison Band and dropping down to Levers Water. We followed the mine tracks back down to the Coppermines Valley and then back into Coniston.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A very hot on the classic Helvellyn & Striding Edge.

    We left a very humid Glenridding heading for Birkhouse Moor. We climbed the grassy slope  well and made great progress. As we reached the flatter ground we branched off and summited Birkhouse Moor. With the bulk of the climbing under our belts we enjoyed the gentler ground over towards Striding Edge. With an excited group we jumped straight on the edge and had great fun tackling all of the hardest sections. We climbed the exit ramp and reached the busy summit of Helvellyn. We enjoyed our lunch taking in the great views. After lunch we descended down Swirral Edge and then climbed up to the conical summit of Catstycam. After enjoying these views we descended its eastern nose down to the main track that leads into Glenriding via Greenside Mine.

  • Blencathra & Sharp Edge

    A perfect day climbing Blencathra & Sharp Edge!

    We met the group in the centre of Threlkeld and after making our way through town we were at the bottom of the Halls Fell Ridge. The start of the ridge is a steep grassy slope, and with the early morning warmth it made a tough start to the day. We climbed well and not before too long we were at the start of the scrambling on the ridge. After a short break we made our way onto the rocky buttresses of the ridge. The ridge got narrower, and some of the sections required more hands on moves than others, but everyone did really well.

    At about midday we were on the summit of Blencathra soaking up the amazing views. We descended the short distance to a very turquoise Scales Tarn where we enjoyed our lunches. A short ascent brought us up to the start of Sharp Edge. The group really enjoyed Sharp Edge and did really well. After scrambling up the exit ramp we stopped for another break to look down on what we had achieved.

    As the weather was still good we took the long descent route across the top of Blencathra and down Blease Fell. Good tracks led us into Threlkeld where we walked straight into the pub for a well earned drink!

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    Another glorious day today climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge.

    We set off from Glenridding just after 10am and climbed by Lanty's Tarn, following the ridge west to meet the Mires Beck path and followed this onto the summit of Birkhouse Moor.

    The weather was glorious and we had some great views over Ullswater, and over to the Pennines in the distance.From Birkhouse Moor we followed the ridge west past 'Hole in the Wall' and climbed to High Spying How and onto Striding Edge.The conditions were perfect today, there was next to no wind and we easily crossed Striding Edge before climbing to the summit of Helvellyn.

    We stopped by the summit of Helvellyn for a lunch stop before descending over Swirral Edge and down by Red Tarn onto the Greenside Mine path back to Glenridding.

  • Scafell Pike from Seathwaite

    A lovely day climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite.

    Starting from Seathwaite Farm we set off towards the Stockley Bridge. The fells were covered in the mist but we were optimistic it would shift!

    After climbing by Taylorgill Force we made it to Styhead pass where Scafell Pike was only just covered by some mist. We then joined the Corridor route on which we made great progress. Not before long we were up the final summit ascent and onto the summit of Scafell Pike, but unfortunately still in the mist, just! While eating lunch the mist did blow through from time to time allowing us some good views.

    After lunch we descended to Broad Crag col and made our way by Broad Crag and Ill Crag to Calf Cove. From here we walked to Esk Hause and shortly after joined the top of our descent route, Grains Gill.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    Another successful day climbing Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    We left Glenridding under blue skies with the sunshine breaking through the clouds. We climbed out of Glenridding via Lanty's Tarn and  then followed the wall up towards Birkhouse Moor. With most of our height gain out of the way we enjoyed the flatter ground over towards Striding Edge. Along the way the cloud kept on dropping and then clearing, and we even had to get the waterproofs on for a brief hail storm.

    We had great fun along the edge, tackling all of the hardest sections, and by the time we were ready to climb up to the summit plateau the sun was out and all the cloud had cleared.

    We enjoyed lunch in the shelter before summiting Helvellyn. Again we could hear a few thunderstorms in the distance, but we were confident they were not coming our way. We descended down Swirral Edge and met the path that leads back to Glenridding via Greenside Mine.

  • Red Screes from Ambleside

    A good day again today dodging storms on Red Screes.

    We set off from Ambleside at 10am and climbed from the Kirkstone Road onto the southern ridge of Red Screes, climbing up over Snarker Pike and eventually into the cloud near the summit, here it started raining, but this only lasted for a few minutes before passing over, we were now in pretty thick cloud now with occasional breaks with views.

    We continued to the summit of Red Screes, stopping in the large wind shelter near the trig point to eat our lunches.

    After lunch we descended north onto Middle Dodd, here we were below the cloud and had some good views down to Brothers Water and of the surrounding fells.

    From Middle Dodd we traversed south to meet the main path descending from Red Screes to Scandale Pass picking the path up down into the Scandale Valley and followed the track back, past High Sweeden Bridge to Ambleside and the Golden Rule!

  • Scafell Pike

    A day of two halves today as we climbed Scafell Pike from Seathwaite.

    Thunderstorms were potentially on the menu for today, but as we arrived at a busy Seathwaite Farm this morning the skies werequite clear and the sun was shining! Amongst the group was the Heatly family who were on their second mountain of doing the National 3 Peaks over 3 years.

    After walking to Stockley Bridge and climbing by Taylorgill Force we enjoyed the flatter ground up to Styhead Pass. From the pass we could see the summit of Scafell Pike and the day was still looking very clear. We climbed at an enjoyable pace and took time to soak up the views as we made our way up the Corridor Route. The Borrowdale Fell Race was being run today as we were like salmon swimming upstream against all the runners, so we took a nice break at the side of the track and had a bite to eat.

    After reaching Lingmell Col we climbed in the heat up the steep ascent to the summit of Scafell Pike. Again we had a bite to eat and enjoyed the views. While having this break we heard the first clap of thunder and saw the flash of lightning, but it was sitting over the Helvellyn Range quite a few miles away. Thunderstorms when being up high on the mountains in never ideal so we opted for a change of route to lose height sooner than planned. We descended down to Broad Crag Col, and then took the scree covered path back down to the Corridor Route. As we reached the Corridor Route the weather was closing in all around us, and thunderstorms seemed to break out overhead, our decision to descend quickly was a wise one. We kept seeing the flashes of lightning and the multiple claps of thunder, but now away from the summits in the shelter of the fells we were in a safe place. With the thunder came the heavy rain and hail, which was a complete contrast to the sun we had had for the hours before!

    We continued our descent back past Styhead Tarn, and just before dropping down to the Stockley Bridge it all seemed to clear up again, although by this point we were quite well saturated! A great and exciting day on the fells indeed!

  • The Whinlatter Fells

    Another good day today on the Whinlatter Fells.

    We set off from the Spout Force car park a little after 10am and followed the track by Darling How climbing up to Brown How and following the ridge to the summit of Whinlatter Top.The views today were great and we had some wonderful views over the North Western Fells and further afield over the Solway Firth to Scotland and east to the Helvellyn range.

    From Whinlatter Top we descended by Tarbarrel Moss followed the forest track, stopping for lunch near Ullister Hill before continuing, crossing to the summit of Barf and then climbing up to Lords Seat.

    From Lords Seat we followed the ridge crossing Broom Fell and descending to Widow Hause before climbing to Graystones, our final summit of the day. From here we descended the steep southern slope to meet the path to Spout Force and our path back to the cars.

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