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Monthly Archives: October 2012

  • Haystacks from Gatesgarth

    A wonderful clear day today climbing Haystacks from Gatesgarth, very cold but clear views throughout as we climbed by Scarth Gap descending by the Warnscale hut.
  • Steel Fell to Helm Crag

    A good day above Grasmere today climbing the ridge from Steel Fell to Helm Crag.

    We set off from Grasmere at 10am and followed the lane to Helmside and up the Cotra Breast ridge onto Steel Fell. We made good progress up the ridge and were soon on the summit of Steel Fell, there were great views over Thirlmere from the summit.

    We pressed on following the ridge west, crossing the usually very boggy section and climbing to the summit of Calf Crag. We took some shelter out of the cool breeze just below the summit cairn to eat our packed lunches before continuing along the ridge, descending to the summits of Gibson Knott and Helm Crag before dropping down to the Far Easdale Valley and following the lane back to Grasmere.

  • Navigation Training on Silver How

    A great day on the Silver How ridge today with a Navigation Training Day.

    We set off from Elterwater just after 10am and climbed above High Close onto the Dow Bank ridge, running several navigation exercises along the ridge to Megs Gill and then up onto the summit of Silver How.

    We stopped for lunch by the summit cairn of Silver How before continuing along the ridge as far as Swinescar Pike before returning by Megs Gill and Dow Bank to Elterwater.

  • Fairfield from Patterdale

    A great walk from Patterdale today climbing Fairfield by Hartsop Above How and then descending over St Sundays Crag.

    Although the high tops were in cloud we had a good day and some good views on the slopes of Hartsop Above How and then again as we descended over Arnison Crag.

    From Paterdale we followed the road down to Deepdale Bridge and took the path up onto the Hartsop Above How ridge, there were some good views over Patterdale and across the valley towards the Far Eastern Fells as we climbed this long ridge eventually going into the cloud around the summit of Hartsop Above How.

    We pressed on, climbing the steep slopes at the head of the ridge to the summit of Hart Crag, the visibility here was poor and there was a cool breeze so we dropped down below the summit out of the wind to eat our sandwiches before pressing on to the summit of Fairfield.

    The steep descent over Cofa Pike was negotiated with little difficulty and we were soon at Deepdale Hause and again on the climb up to Saint Sundays Crag, after a short stop and a bout of cramp we were off again and at the summit of St Sundays Crag, we dropped down by Gavel Pike to pick up the pleasant path down towards Birks, crossing the grassy summit ridge of Birks quickly and then dropping down east to Trough Head and out onto the final ridge to the summit of Arnison Crag. By now we were below the cloud again and had some wonderful views as we descended back to Patterdale.

  • Navigation Training on Lingmoor Fell

    A wonderful day today on Lingmoor Fell with day two of a Navigation Training Course.

    We had near perfect weather as we climbed from Elterwater by Banks Quarry and up onto the open fellside above, we ran several exercises across the fell today, including some relocation techniques, stopping for lunch near Busk Pike and then returning along the ridge to descend back to Elterwater.

  • Ropework Day

    A good short day today above Elterwater practicing some ropework skills prior to an ML course.

    We headed up onto the lower slopes of Down Bank today to pick out some outcrops to practice some basic ropework before Gary takes his ML.

    We spent several hours going through different belay techniques, and abseils across a wide variety of anchors.

  • Navigation Training on Silver How

    A good day on Silver How today with a Navigation Training Course.
    We set off from Elterwater at 10am and climbed above High Close and up onto the ridge below Dow Bank.
    We picked out plenty of lumps and bumps along the ridge to the summit of Silver How and then along to Swinescar Pike before returning by Megs Gill and Dow Bank dropping back down to Elterwater.

  • Scafell Pike from Seathwaite

    A great day today climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite.
    We set off from Seathwaite just after 10am and climbed by Sty Head up onto the Corridor Route.
    Some of the high tops were in cloud but we had plenty of good views until we were up above Lingmell Col.
    As we approached the summit if Scafell Pike we caught a few showers, but none lasted for too long.
    After a short lunch stop on the summit of Scafell Pike we pressed on, descending the steep path down to Broadcrag Col then up and over Broad Crag and Ill Crag before dropping down through Calf Cove to Esk Hause.
    By now the cloud was well broken and we had some great views as we descended the Grains Gill path back to Seathwaite Farm.

  • Swirl How from the Duddon Valley

    A blustery day climbing the Coniston Fells from the Duddon Valley today.

    We set off from Birks Bridge at 10am and climbed by Pike How Close onto the path towards Seathwaite Tarn turning up off the path to climb the long south western spur of Grey Friar climbing up over Troutal Fell and onto the summit of Grey Friar.

    The rain from the morning had stopped as we set off from Birks Bridge, but the grassy slopes were pretty soggy underfoot and there was quite a strong wind as we got higher up the ridge, by the summit we were in thick cloud.

    We pressed on east, crossing the saddle and climbing to the summit of Great Carrs, via the cairn marking the crash site of the Halifax Bomber.

    The wind up on the ridge was even stronger so we didn't stop for long, only for a quick photo before we were off again, crossing the ridge south to the nearby summit of Swirl How.

    From Swirl How we descended south past Great How Crag to Levers Hawse, dropping down a little on the eastern side of the ridge to have a quick lunch stop out of the wind.

    After walking back into the wind after lunch it was quickly decided not to continue south to the summits of Coniston Old Man and Dow Crag but instead to drop down west towards Seathwaite Tarn and get out of the wind as soon as possible.

    We descended steeply west and were soon out of the wind dropping down to Tarn Head Gill past the old mine workings and down to Seathwaite Tarn, the weather down here was much more pleasant and we dropped down to cross the dam taking the path back by Tongue House back to Troutal and Birks Bridge.

  • The Helvellyn Ridge Walk

    A great day on the Helvellyn Ridge Walk today.

    We set off from Dunmail Raise early, climbing up in thick cloud towards Grisedale Tarn until just before we reached the tarn when we emerged above the cloud.

    We had some great views towards the Scafells, Bowfell, The Crinkles and the Coniston Fells as we climbed to the summit of Dollywaggon Pike.

    At the summit of Dollywaggon Pike we saw a Brocken Spectre below us.

    We followed the ridge north crossing Nethermost Pike and climbing to the summit of Helvellyn. From the summit of Helvellyn we saw several Brocken Spectres in the cloud below us.

    As we followed the ridge north we caught a short snow shower on Whiteside, this didn't last long and the weather had cleared up again by the time we were on Raise.

    We crossed Sticks Pass and climbed to the summit of Stybarrow Dodd, we were in the cloud for a short time on the summit, but were soon out of it again as we dropped down to Watson's Dodd and then climbed again up onto the summit of Great Dodd.

    The final summit of the day, Clough Head was climbed with little difficulty and we were soon off on the final descent, dropping down by White Pike and then onto the Old Coach Road, dropping down onto the lane back to Threlkeld.

  • Night Navigation Silver How

    A good evening today on the lower slopes of Silver How.

    We spent several hours around Dow Bank and Spedding Crag picking out plenty of 'lumps and bumps' before returning to Elterwater at at about 11pm.

  • Glaramara from Stonethwaite

    A good day climbing Glaramara today from Stonethwaite.

    We set off at 10am and climbed by Big Stanger Gill and up onto the summit of Bessyboot. There was quite a breeze here so we didn't stop for to long and were soon passing Tarn At Leaves and on the way to the summit of Rosthwaite Fell.

    As we climbed the wind was getting stronger, we climbed by Combe Door and up to the wonderful summit of Combe Head where after a few photos we crossed to the summit of Glaramara, stopping just below the summit for a short lunch stop.

    After lunch we descended the Thornythwaite Fell path into The Combe dropping down the path to Mountain View and following the paths back to Stonethwaite.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A good day today climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge, despite some damp weather.

    We set off from Glenridding at 10am, with the weather forecast to deteriorate during the day we headed up the Mires Beck path to get high a little quicker than usual, this worked well and we were up over Birkhouse Moor and onto Striding Edge within 2 hours. So far the weather wasn't too bad, a little light rain but not nearly as bad as we had expected.

    Once on Striding Edge we were in the cloud, but we made good progress crossing the ridge and by 1pm we were sat in the summit shelter eating our sandwiches.

    After lunch the rain started to get a little more persistent, we dropped down onto the Swirral Edge ridge and down the path by Red Tarn, dropping out of the cloud and taking the Greenside Mine path back to Glenridding.

    As we reached the village the rain got a little heavier again, we were back at the cars just in time!

  • Scafell Pike from Seathwaite

    Another great day today climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite.

    We set off from Seathwaite at 10am and climbed from Stockley Bridge to Sty Head Gill, stopping for a while to watch Peter rounding up the sheep on the slopes of Base Brown and taking them down to Seathwaite Farm.

    We made good time climbing to Sty Head and were on the Corridor Route in no time, there was quite a cold wind today but we were in and out of the shelter on the Corridor Route.

    By the time we were at Lingmell Col the wind was quite strong, we didn't stop for long and pressed on to the summit, reaching the top just after 1pm. As we climbed towards the summit we were enveloped in clouds, the bright morning had turned into a dull day and the wind was getting very chilly!

    We stopped just below the summit out of the wind, after lunch we descended to Broad Crag Col and followed the ridge over Broad Crag and Ill Crag descending to Esk Hause and down below Great End onto the Grains Gill path back to Seathwaite.

  • The Coniston Fells

    A great day today on the Coniston Fells.

    We set off from Coniston at 10am and climbed by Church Beck into the Coppermines Valley and followed the main path up by the slate mines to Low Water. The weather was near perfect, bright and clear with barely a breeze and the views were a little clearer than yesterday.

    From Low Water we climbed up to the summit of  Coniston Old Man, as we reached the summit we were rewarded with the view of a few paragliders taking off a short distance away along the ridge towards Brim Fell.

    After a short break at the summit we pressed on crossing the grassy summit of Brim Fell before crossing Levers Hawse and climbing to Great How Crags, the perfect place for a lunch stop.

    After lunch we pressed on up to the summit of Swirl How before dropping down the Prison Band to Swirl Hawse. After a quick show of hands it was decided to finish the day off with Wetherlam so we climbed up by Red Dell Moss and onto the summit of Wetherlam. The views were wonderful, after a short break and a few photos we were off again, following the path down by Hole Rake and down to the Coppermine Cottages, following the track back above Church Beck back to Coniston.

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