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Monthly Archives: January 2014

  • Ullscarf and Armboth Fell

    A good day today in the snow on Ullscarf taking in the summits of High Tove and Armboth Fell from Thirlmere.
  • Whinlatter Fells

    A good day today climbing the Whinlatter Fells, a mixed forecast for the day didn't fill us with hope but the weather turned out surprisingly good.
  • Newlands Horseshoe

    A surprisingly good day today on the Newlands Horseshoe, a bit windy and cloudy on the tops but the forecast rain didn't really materialise through the day.
  • Striding Edge in Winter Conditions

    A wonderful day today climbing Helvellyn by Striding Edge in winter conditions, we had a little of everything today, plenty of fresh snow, wind, sunshine and some great views.
  • Helvellyn from Wythburn

    A cloudy but good day today climbing Helvellyn from Wythburn, a few good views when we were lower down but not from the tops today.
  • Navigation Training Course on High Rigg

    A very damp day today for a Navigation Training Course on High Rigg today, constant rain and low cloud made for an interesting day.
  • Causey Pike and Sail from Braithwaite

    A wonderful day climbing five fells above Stonycroft including the summits of Causey Pike and Sail with a light covering of snow on the high tops and blue skies.
  • Catbells

    A wonderful short mornings walk climbing Catbells this morning with some wonderful views and blue skies before the cloud appeared at midday.
  • High Rigg from Legburthwaite

    A great shorter walk this morning climbing High Rigg from Legburthwaite there was some sunshine and wonderful views as we followed the ridge from south to north.
  • Pike O'Blisco & Cold Pike from Langdale

    A good day climbing Pike O'Blisco and Cold Pike from Langdale, not many views as the cloud was pretty low but the forecast rain held off much of the day.
  • Silver How from Elterwater

    A great short walk today climbing Silver How from Elterwater, good weather and some great dramatic views as we followed the ridge from Dow Bank to Swinescar Pike
  • Castle Crag from Grange

    A good short walk this morning climbing Grange Fell from Grange, there was snow on the high tops today as we climbed the lowest Wainwright Fell, a good short walk.
  • Scafell Pike from Wasdale Head

    A great day climbing Scafell Pike from Wasdale Head: A little snow on the summit today but a great day with good views on the way down by Esk Hause and Sty Head.

13 Item(s)

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