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The Caldbeck Fells

The forecast for the day wasn't looking the best in terms of views, however it was a great day with some brilliant company. We headed off from Fell Side just after 10am in dry but misty conditions. Our first Wainwright for the day was High Pike, we navigated in poor visibility following the old mine tracks up to the summit cairn.

After a dismal view from High Pike we followed the ridge heading east to the summit of Carrock Fell, the path was a bit boggy in places and care was taken in the team to avoid getting wet boots. Upon reaching the summit of Carrock Fell we took some time to admire the remains of the ancient hill fort.

After a short break we navigated towards the Great Lingy Hut, where the views of Blencathra  and Carrock Fell were uncovered. We decided that we would have a short lunch break at the hut, along with signing the book in a cloud of midges.

Following lunch we followed the Cumbria Way for a few hundred meters and navigated to the summit of Knott, where the views of Skiddaw took shape. From Knott we followed the north ridge crossing to the summit of Great Sca Fell and then down to Little Sca Fell. The cloud demanded full concentration of navigation as we continued north dropping down on to the summit of Brae Fell, the fifth Wainwright of the day.

We picked up the path towards Longlands Fell, and as we reached the summit cairn it all cleared and the sun came out, just like it always does! We followed the ridge down over Longlands Fell to Charleton Wath following the track and then the lane back to Green Head, where we had parked a car to save the walk along the road back to Fell Side.

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