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Great Gable from Seathwaite

A good day today climbing Great Gable from Seathwaite, despite some cloud on the tops we had some great views on the way down.

We set off from Seathwaite at 10am and headed up the path towards Taylorgill Force, there was a little cloud on some of the higher fells this morning but there were also a few breaks in the cloud and good views.

We were soon scrambling up the rocks by Taylorgill Force and admiring the views of the waterfalls that you don't see from the main path from Stockley Bridge to Sty Head, we were soon up over the rocks and following the side of Styhead Gill, a decent path that climbs up to meet the main path as it crosses the gill at the footbridge.

It didn't take us too long to get to Sty Head Tarn and then up to the stretcher box at the pass.

By now the cloud had dropped down a bit and was down as low as the top of Seathwaite Fell and not far above us on the Breast Route up Great Gable.

We pressed on climbing the steep path up towards the summit of Great Gable and were soon enveloped in the cloud, there was very little to see, but we were soon up at the summit of Great Gable.

As we approached the summit the cloud above us started to clear a little and we could see the sun trying to break through, it didn't manage to though and we were soon back in thick cloud.

We stopped behind the summit rocks to eat our sandwiches and imagine the wonderful view in front of us.

After a short lunch stop we headed off, following the ridge north and descending the rocky path down to Windy Gap and then climbing to the summit of Green Gable, as we started the short but steep climb from Windy Gap to Green Gable we had a good view behind us of Gable Crag emerging from the cloud.

After a short stop on the summit of Green Gable we descended north, taking the right hand path descending towards Blackmoor Pols and Base Brown, after a few minutes we dropped down below the cloud base, many of the other fells were in sunshine and there were some great views, we could see past Penrith to the Northern Pennines and past the Langdale pikes to Ingleborough and the Helvellyn Range had plenty of sun on it.

At Blackmoor Pols, the col before Base Brown we decided to take the path down through Gillercomb, we descended into the valley and followed the path along and then descended by Seathwaite Slabs and then down beside Sour Milk Gill towards Seathwaite, the steep path alongside the gill was a little slipper today and we took our time dropping down to Seathwaite Farm and the cars.

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