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Tag Archives: old dungeon ghyll

  • Crinkle Crags from Langdale

    A great day in good snow today climbing The Crinkle Crags from the Old Dungeon Ghyll in Langdale, great views early on before the cloud came in on the tops.
  • Great End from Langdale

    A great day today climbing Great End from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the Langdale Valley, taking in the summits of Esk Pike, The Allen Crags and Rossett Pike along the way.
  • Bowfell by the Great Slab

    A wonderful day climbing Bowfell by the Great Slab before continuing over Esk Pike and Rossett Pike. Cloudy on the tops this morning before clearing up
  • Esk Pike & Great End from Langdale

    Despite not having many views we had a great day climbing Esk Pike and Great End from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in Langdale taking in the additional summits of The Allen Crags and Rossett Pike.
  • The Crinkles from Langdale

    A very wild day today climbing the Crinkles from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the Langdale Valley, a little warm and wet on the tops and truly wild wind as we descended The Band back to Langdale.
  • Pike O'Blisco & Cold Pike from Langdale

    A good day climbing Pike O'Blisco and Cold Pike from Langdale, not many views as the cloud was pretty low but the forecast rain held off much of the day.
  • Crinkles & Bowfell

    A great day climbing the Crinkles and Bowfell from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel, despite cloudy tops we had a great day on these magnificent mountains.
  • The Crinkles from Langdale

    A good day climbing The Crinkles from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the Langdale Valley, despite some strong wind after lunch we had a great day
  • Crinkle Crags from Langdale

    A blustery day on the Crinkle Crags, climbing from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the Langdale Valley and descending by The Band
  • Bowfell &The Crinkles

    A great day exploring Bowfell, The Great Slab and the Crinkles from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the Langdale Valley.
  • Bowfell & The Crinkles

    A wonderful day climbing Bowfell and The Crinkles from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the Langdale Valley, we even added the summits of Cold Pike and Pike O'Blisco to the day.
  • Pike O'Blisco & Cold Pike

    A great day above the Langdale Valley climbing Pike O'Blisco and Cold Pike. Wonderful views and great company, a truly stunning day in the fells.
  • Bowfell and the Crinkles

    A glorious day today climbing the Crinkles and Bowfell from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the Langdale Valley.
  • Great End from Langdale

    A great day climbing Esk Pike, Great End and Rossett Pike from the Langdale Valley with a surprise dusting of snow on the high tops in late May!
  • Crinkles & Bowfell

    A great day climbing The Crinkles and Bowfell from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the Langdale Valley, wonderful views despite a poor weather forecast.

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