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The Langdale Pikes: Monday 28th September 2015

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The Langdale Pikes are one of the most prominent ranges on the Lake District Skyline, this guided walks doesn't disappoint either, the rocky summits and waterfalls make this a wonderful days walking.

Availability: In stock


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Difficulty: Moderate
  A shorter walk but with some steep ascents and a few very easy scrambles
Distance: 8km / 5 miles approx.
Ascent: 810m / 2700ft approx.
Time: 5 hours
Start Time: 10am
Maximum Group Size: 10
Minimum Group Size: 1


"No mountain view in Lakeland arrests and excites the attention more than that of the Langdale Pikes."
A. Wainwright


The view from the eastern shore of Windermere between Windermere and Ambleside is dominated by the distant skyline of jagged rocky mountains to the East, these are the Langdales or Langdale Pikes.

This is one of the most famous views in the Lake District.

Let our guides take you over a well tried route taking in the best parts of these fells with spectacular views back down the Langdale Valley back towards Windermere.


Summits included on this route:
Pavey Ark
700 metres/2297 feet
Thunacar Knott (Optional)
723 metres/2372 feet
Harrison Stickle
736 metres/2415 feet
Pike O'Stickle
709 metres/2326 feet
Loft Crag
682 metres/2238 feet


Langdale had a productive stone axe industry during the Neolithic period.
The area has outcrops of fine-grained greenstone suitable for making polished axes which have been found distributed across the British Isles and beyond. The rock is an epidotised greenstone quarried or perhaps just collected from the scree slopes on Harrison Stickle and Pike of Stickle.


From the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel we will climb by Stickle Gill to Stickle Tarn, here there are wonderful views up to Pavey Ark, the cliffs above the tarn. Here we will circle the tarn and climb onto Pavey Ark.

An easy path now leads to the summit of Harrison Stickle, the most prominent of the Langdale Pikes.

We will then cross Harrison Combe to climb the rocky scramble to the summit of Pike O'Stickle, before descending over Loft Crag back to the New Dungeon Ghyll.

From all the summits we will have great views on a good day over the Langdale Valley to Windermere and across to Bowfell, the Crinkles and the Coniston Fells.

Each participant will be required to bring suitable equipment for their chosen event, please see Kit List tab above.


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