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Grasmoor from Buttermere: Friday 18th September 2015

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This guided walk climbs the southern slopes of Grasmoor from Buttermere, climbing along the fine Whiteless Pike ridge. On a good day the views from this route are as good as any in the Lake District.

Availability: In stock


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Difficulty: Moderate
  A steep climb at times but little exposure
Distance: 14km / 9 miles approx.
Ascent: 1050m / 3500ft approx.
Time: 6 hours
Start Time: 10am
Maximum Group Size: 10
Minimum Group Size: 1


"There will be little disappointment upon arrival at the summit if the day be clear."
A. Wainwright


The high fells to the north of Buttermere and Crummock Water culminate in the grassy plateau of Grasmoor a fantastic viewpoint over the Buttermere Valley and across Haystacks to the higher fells of Great Gable, Pillar and the Scafell Range.

The aproach up the Whiteless Pike and Wandope ridge also is full of interest with stunning views all the way up to the summits.

The descent from Sail Pass along Sail Beck is also full of interest and is one of the quietest routes off the high fells in the Lake District.


Summits included on this route:
Whiteless Pike
660 metres/2165 feet
772 metres/2533 feet
852 metres/2759 feet
Eel Crag (Crag Hill)
839 metres/2753 feet
773 metres/2536 feet


"No other way up Wandope can compare even remotely with this for beauty and Grandeur of views and sustained interest."
A. Wainwright


From Buttermere we will climb above Sail Beck over Whiteless Breast to the summit of Whiteless Pike, a fine conical mountain with great views over the surrounding countryside, the ridge from the summit continues north, passing the cairn at Thirdgill Head to the summit of Wandope, one of the quietest of the high summits of the Lake District, the grassy ridge has some wonderful views over Buttermere.

We will continue to climb to the col before turning to the left to the wide grassy plateau of Grasmoor, probably the best viewpoint of the many in todays route, the land drops steeply from the edges of the plateau giving dramatic views down to Buttermere and Crummock Water below and across to the Buttermere Fells, Haystacks and the higher fells of Great Gable, Pillar and The Scafell Range beyond.

From Grasmoor we shall follow the ridge east crossing the col to climb to the summit of Crag Hill (also known as Eel Crag) before descending over Sail to Sail Pass.

From the pass we will descend the southern slopes to Sail Beck and follow the path along the banks back to Buttermere.

Each participant will be required to bring suitable equipment for their chosen event, please see Kit List tab above.


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