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The Bannerdale Round: Monday 9th November 2015

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Above the village of Mungrisdale large grassy ridges climb to form a wonderful horseshoe, not as high or as long as many other horseshoes in the Lake District but the Bannerdale Round gives a wonderful shorter days walking. Nestled on the north eastern edge of the Lake District this guided walk gives some stunning panoramic views over the Lake District and Eden Valley as well as a stunning view of Sharp Edge on the nearby Blencathra.

Availability: In stock


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Difficulty: Moderate
  Easy walking on grassy paths
Distance: 11km / 7 miles approx.
Ascent: 710m / 2350ft approx.
Time: 5 hours
Start Time: 10am
Maximum Group Size: 10
Minimum Group Size: 1


"Bannerdale Crags, to be appreciated fully, should be approached from the pleasant village of Mungrisdale, for only in this direction, eastwards, is revealed the mile long rim of cliffs that gives the fell a name and is it's great scenic attraction."
A. Wainwright


A circuit of the fells above Mungrisdale taking in Bowscale Fell, The Bannerdale Crags and Souther Fell give a wonderful short days walking, the dramatic cliffs of the Bannerdale Crags, unseen from any other part of the Lake District, are fully appreciated on the walk in from Mungrisdale while the views from the summit are surprisingly good across the whole of Lakeland, as far as the Coniston Fells in the south.


Summits included on this route:
Bowscale Fell
702 metres/2303 feet
Bannerdale Crags
683 metres/2241 feet
Souther Fell
522 metres/1713 feet


"delightful Mungrisdale, an alpine old-world village that has so far escaped the invasions of tourists."
A. Wainwright


From Mungrisdale we follow the track west climbing the southern flanks of The Tongue, climbing to the summit of Bowscale Fell.

From Bowscale Fell we will follow the rim of the crags south to the summit of Bannerdale Crags, a fine viewpoint over Blencathra and Sharp Edge as well as a fine panorama stretching as far south as the Coniston Fells.

We will descend from the Bannerdale Crags over White Horse Bent to cross the river Glenderamackin climbing again to the summit ridge of Souther Fell, a short walk along the ridge will bring us to Souther Fell, the final summit of the day with good views over the the Eden Valley to the Northern Pennines and Cross Fell.

A short descent from the eastern end of the Souther Fell ridge will bring us back down to the village of Mungrisdale.

Each participant will be required to bring suitable equipment for their chosen event, please see Kit List tab above.

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