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Monthly Archives: March 2012

  • The Newlands Horseshoe

    A great day above the Newlands Valley today on the Newlands Horseshoe.

    We set off from Little Town just before 10am and climbed by High Snab Bank and along the ridge to the summit of Robinson.

    The weather was surprisingly good today and we had some great views as we crossed to the summits of Hindscarth and Dale Head, stopping by the summit of Dale Head to eat our lunches and to admire the wonderful view over the Newlands Valley before descending by Dale Head Tarn and climbing again to the summit of High Spy, following the ridge north over Maiden Moor and down to Catbells before dropping back down by the mines to Little Town.

  • Scafell Pike from Seathwaite

    A sizzling hot day climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite today.

    I met the group at Seathwaite Farm at 10am and we wasted no time and made our way to the Stockley Bridge before climbing by Taylorgill Force. At this point to Hawk Jets flew straight over our heads, quite low! It seems it has been a good week for low flying. We continued on to Styhead Pass where we had a nice break to soak up the views and some rays.

    We joined a busy Corridor route which guided us up to Lingmell Col where we were started our final ascent to the summit. We made great time up this leg, and even made a stop off at the amazing Wastwater viewpoint. Once again we sat on the summit for our lunch soaking up the slightly hazy but still beautiful views.

    After this stop we descended to Broad Crag Col and then climbed over Broad Crag, shortly followed by Ill Crag and down to Calf Cove, where we met some fellrunners doing the Bob Graham Round.

    Our final descent back to the farm was great, especially as it was still baking hot! Another fantastic day on Scafell Pike.

  • Haystacks from Gatesgarth

    The scorching conditions continued today as we took on Haystacks from Gatesgarth.

    After meeting at Gatesgarth Farm we made our way across the base of the lake to the path that climbs to Scarth Gap. We started to ascend up the fellside slowly and took plenty of time to enjoy the spectacular views. There was next to no wind, and it was already feeling very hot, it was going to be a very fine day! As we reached Scarth Gap we gained some great views of Pillar and Kirk Fell. It was at this point not one, but two Tornado Jets flew and banked straight over our heads. They seemd close enough to touch, and the noise was just incredible. After a few seconds of spinning heads and full body tingles we continued on upwards through the slight scrambles and to the lovely summit of Haystacks.

    We stopped on the summit for rest and a snack before continuing along the plateau past the many outcrops and the beautiful tarns, most notably Inominate. We enjoyed great views of the Gables, and even the Scafell Massif behind. We found a great little spot by Green Crag for lunch which had a clear view straight down the Buttermere valley over the two lakes. After our extended lunch break in the sun we crossed Warnscale Beck and enjoyed our descent in the sunshine. As we got closer to the valley bottom it just got warmer and warmer, and we could have easily been trekking through Crete!

  • Silver How from Grasmere

    A short afternoons walk from Grasmere today climbing Silver How.

    We set off from the village at 1.30 and climbed by Allan Bank up the slopes to the summit of Silver How, meeting with some of the Workington Ramblers on the summit.

    The views from the summit were great, we decided to follow the ridge a little and descend back to Grasmere from Lang How.

  • High Raise from Grasmere

    A hot and sunny day climbing High Raise from Grasmere today, some great views as we climbed up over Silver How, Blea Rigg and Sergeant Man before descending over Tarn Crag to Easdale Tarn and back to Grasmere
  • Scafell Pike from Seathwaite

    A warm and wonderful day climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite today.

    I met the group at a very busy Seathwaite Farm at 9am, and the sun was already beaming down on us. We made our way to the Stockley Bridge before climbing by Taylorgill Force to Styhead Pass. By the time we had gotten to the pass we had a real sweat on, and it was only just after 10am, we were in for a warm one!

    We joined the Corridor route which guided us up to Lingmell Col where we were ready to start our final ascent to the summit. We took this nice and slowly due to the heat but soon enough we were on the summit plateau, followed by the summit. The summit was busy so we find a nice spot just out of the wind to enjoy the excellent views and a bite to eat.

    After lunch we descended to Broad Crag Col and then climbed over Broad Crag. It seemed like most people we now making there way up to the summit of Scafell Pike as we passed dozens of other walkers. We continued over Ill Crag and down by Calf Cove before joining the top of Grains Gill.

    Our final descent back to the farm was enjoyable as we enjoyed some of the afternoon heat. A great day to be out, let alone on the great Scafell Pike.

  • Glaramara and the Allen Crags

    A glorious day today climbing Glaramara and the Allen Crags from Seathwaite.

    We set off from Seathwaite at 10am and climbed the steep slope by Hind Gill, eventually emerging into the bright sunshine above the gill as the slope eased. We continued reaching the summit of Glaramara in good time and after a short photo stop on the summit and a quick drink we were on our way again following the ridge past High House Tarn and climbing to the summit of the Allen Crags.

    We stopped out of the breeze at the summit of The Allen Crags to eat our packed lunches and to admire the views, although it was sunny and warm  the air was very hazy and we couldn't see too far.

    From The Allen Crags we descended to the wind shelter below Esk Hause and followed the path down below Great End to Sprinkling Tarn and out along the ridge to the summit of Seathwaite Fell dropping down to the Styhead Gill path back to Seathwaite.

  • Bowfell & The Great Slab, The Crinkles, Cold Pike and Pike 'O Blisco

    A wonderful day climbing Bowfell and the Crinkles from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the Langdale Valley, climbing the Climbers Traverse before descending over Cold Pike and Pike O'Blisco.
  • Scafell Pike from Seathwaite

    A surprisingly clear day climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite today.

    We set off from Seathwaite Farm at 9am  and made our way up to the Stockley Bridge. The forecast was generally good, but the skies were far clearer than the forecast had predicted, but were we going to get views from the top?

    We climbed by Taylorgill Force and made our way up to Styhead Tarn. This valley had some mist in but we seemed to chase it up to the pass. At this point some broken cloud was covering most of Lingmell, Scafell Pike and Great End. We joined the Corridor route and started to slowly walk our way up to Lingmell Col. We stopped to enjoy the view down into Wasdale at which point we could see Great Gable 'steaming' with mist as it was blown up its impressive southern face. The mist also made Napes Needle stand out more than ever, a remarkable sight. As we got towards Lingmell Col the summit of Scafell Pike had cleared and we were hopeful for some views. As we made our way up towards the summit the cloud did come back across. As we summited our views were slightly restricted, but not before too long it had cleared to provide stunning views in all directions.

    We stopped in our usual shelter for a well deserved lunch break before cracking on down to Broad Crag Col. We continued our route over Broad Crag and Ill crag before descending to the top of Grains Gill via Calf Cove. We enjoyed a nice pace down the steppy path, taking a few stops to enjoy the warmth of the afternoon and the views. Another fine day out up Scafell Pike.

  • The Fairfield Horseshoe

    An amazing day on the Lakeland classic that is The Fairfield Horseshoe.

    After meeting Terry and Carol at our shop in Ambleside, we set off through Ambleside and towards Rydal Park. We made our way through Rydal Park, enjoying a warm morning, and watching the low cloud slowly rise off of Nab Scar. After passing Rydal Mount we were now on the steep climb up towards Nab Scar. As we climbed the views opened up nicely. We had great views over Windermere, Coniston Water, Rydal Water and Grasmere. We summited Nab Scar and then the gradient eased as we climbed towards Heron Pike. As we climbed towards Heron Pike we seemed to be chasing the cloud up the fellside which was a nice suprise. We enjoyed the views until we summited Great Rigg. Now in the cloud we headed up the final climb to the windswept summit of Fairfield.

    We didn't linger on the summit long as it was a bit chilly, so we continued along the ridge to Hart Crag. Along the way we found a nice sheltered spot in which we had some lunch. After lunch we climbed over Hart Crag, and then the cloud really started to lift. This produced some amazing views, especially down into the quiet Deepdale Valley. We followed the wall up to Dove Crag which provided great views over Windermere again. The cloud was now lifting higher and higher by the minute all across the Lakes, and we started picking out some of the major fells. We descended by the wall down the gentle grass slope over High Pike and Low Pike before descending to High Sweden Bridge.

    We enjoyed a nice rest by the bridge in the sun before finishing off this great route on the fine track that runs back into Ambleside.

  • Helvellyn & Striding Edge

    A magnificent day climbing Helvellyn and Striding Edge in the sunshine.

    We started out from Glenridding, and once again the sun was beaming down on us. We climbed slowly through the trees via Lanty's Tarn to the join the grassy ridge up towards Birkhouse Moor. As we climbed higher and higher the views over Ullswater opened up, as well as those over St Sundays Crag and Fairfield.

    We finished this initial climb and were greeted with the great view of Helvellyn standing proud, with the arms of Striding Edge and Swirral Edge coming towards us. After a nice stop we walked across the much flatter ground to High Spying How, the start of Striding Edge. The guys all scrambled extremely well, sticking to the crest all the way, and making the chimney look very easy. We finished the edge with the steep exit ramp, and after a few snaps at the top we found our lunch spot. We enjoyed our lunch with the entire Lake District stretched out in front of us, and the sun still shining down, it was great!

    Unfortunately we did have to get up, but we had more fun in store. On our was past we 'bagged' the summit of Helvellyn and then made our way to the top of Swirral Edge. We took the crest down the edge and once again everyone scrambled very well.

    We finished off the walk with a gentle descent down via Red Tarn and Greenside Mine. A fantastic day out!

  • The Langdale Pikes

    A wonderful day on The Langdale Pikes today.

    We set off from the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel at 10am and climbed the steep path by Stickle Ghyll, branching off up the zig-zags below Tarn Crag to reach Stickle Tarn in bright sunshine, the views today were spectacular and there were plenty of people heading off up Jack's Rake, but instead we followed the path around Stickle Tarn to the North Rake climbing this steep but easy path to the summit of Pavey Ark.

    From Pavey Ark we traversed to the summit of Harrison Stickle easily finding a good spot to the south of the summit cairn to eat our sandwiches while admiring the glorious view over the Langdale Valley.

    After lunch we descended into Harrison Combe and crossed to the short scramble up onto Pike O'Stickle before descending onto Loft Crag from here we followed the path alongside Dungeon Ghyll descending to Pike How and back down to the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel for a well deserved drink.

  • Blencathra and Sharp Edge

    A fantastic day Climbing Blencathra and Sharp Edge today.

    I met the guys outside the Horse and Farrier in Threlkeld at 10am, with Blencathra standing above us bathing in glorious sunshine. The weather was fantastic and we were all pretty much ready to go already down to our t shirts. We made our way through town and to the base of the Halls Fell Ridge. The ridge starts steeply so we made our way up slowly, having plenty of stops to enjoy the far reaching views. The guys didn't believe me (and at this point I don't think I was believing it) when I said the forecast was for snow later in the day. We continued up the steep ground to where it flattens out and the rocky arete of Halls Fell starts. We enjoyed some good scrambling on some dry rock all the way to the summit of Blencathra.

    We stopped on the summit to enjoy some lunch before descending to Scales Tarn to then re-ascend to the great Sharp Edge. Sharp Edge was in great condition so we knew we were going to have a great time. All the guys scrambled well across the edge, making even the hardest bits look really easy. Just as we were on the edge a bit of drizzle had started to fall, but just as we climbed off of the exit ramp a snow/ hail storm suddenly came from the skies! The storm passed quickly and again the skies were clear. We got lucky with the weather as we saw numerous storms passing us either side.

    Our chosen descent route was via Blease Fell. On our way across the top of the fell we stopped again for another nice long stop. We descended off the fell in some light rain, it really was a day of all weathers. We got back to Threlkeld having enjoyed a great day on the fells, and into the pub for a nice pint, Magic!

  • The Mell Fells and Gowbarrow Fell

    A grey damp day above Ullswater today on the Mell Fells and Gowbarrow Fell.

    We set off from Troutbeck at 10am and climbed from the old shooting range up the steep slope of Great Mell Fell, a hard start to the day, but we knew that this would be the hardest climb today.

    After the steep slog up the grassy slope of Great Mell Fell we reached the summit in good time, the views from the summit were limited, we could just make out Little Mell Fell in the mist but longer views were more limited.

    It was quite windy on the summit blowwing the drizzle across us so we didn't stop too long dropping down to the south towards Brownrigg Farm and crossing the valley climbing the western slopes of Little Mell Fell.

    The weather on the summit of Little Mell Fell was little better than Great Mell Fell so we descended quickly to the roadside at The Hause following the lane down to meet the path below Priest's Crag.

    We were now out of the worst of the weather so stopped for lunch on some rocky outcrops next to the path before continuing through the woods to the old shooting lodge on the slopes of Gowbarrow Fell, climbing up to the summit from here.

    From the summit of Gowbarrow Fell we descended to Bernard Crag and followed the path down to Aira Force, following the path along the stream past High Force to Dockray.

  • The Coledale Horseshoe

    A glorious day above Braithwaite today on the Coledale Horseshoe.

    We set off from Braithwaite just after 9am and climbed up onto the Kinn Ridge, although there was some cloud around the high tops there were some good breaks as well, and plenty of sunshine!

    We followed the Kinn ridge climbing to the summit of Grisedale Pike, by now we were in the cloud but as we stopped on the summit the cloud broke giving us some great views.

    As we descended by Hobcarton Crag the sun broke through the cloud above us and we saw a brief Brocken Spectre down to our right.

    As we dropped down to Coledale Hause we dropped down into thick cloud, the only sound was the waterfalls ahead but as we climbed again towards Crag Hill we were back above the cloud and in bright sunshine.

    The summits of Scafell, Scafell Pike and Pillar were sticking up out of the cloud as we stopped in the wind shelter to eat our sandwiches.

    We followed the ridge crossing the summits of Sail and Scar Crags before climbing onto Causey Pike.

    From Causey Pike we doubled back on ourselves picking up the path dropping down to High Moss and the path up onto Outerside following this ridge down over Stile End to the summit of Barrow and back to Braithwaite.

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