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Great Gable from Seathwaite

A great day climbing Great Gable from Seathwaite taking in the summits of Green Gable and Base Brown before descending by Sour Milk Gill back to Seathwaite.

We left Seathwaite and took the path up to Talyorgill Force towards Great Gable, which was flowing well. From here we followed the stream path up to Sty Head.

Scafell, Lingmell and our main summit of the day,Great Gables were in cloud but it was dry with a light wind.

After a snack we took the path up heading for the summit of Great Gable we were soon ourselves amist the cloud. We reached the summit which was very atmospheric today.

We descend down passing other figures coming out of the mist. Arriving at Windy Gap,today it wasn't windy.Then the short climb on to Green Gable from here we took the path crossing Blackmoor Pots.

Here the cloud started to shift and our view improved.We took the gassy path to the summit of Base Brown. Giving great views down and across the valley. Here the path became more broken and rocky. Reaching Sourmilk Gill we stopped for some refreshment and enjoyed the views. We followed the path down along side. Finishing at Seathwaite Farm.

Although a cloudy day on the tops we enjoyed our outing.

Taking a slight detour driving back down the valley we got superb views over Derwentwater.

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