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Scafell Pike

With light rain falling and the promise of not many views we made our way up to Styhead Tarn, pleased that the clouds were higher than we had anticipated and that we could at least see the farm from up on Seathwaite Fell. Soon after that, and after a brief cloud lift and a glimpse of the corridor route, we encountered two lost walkers who were keen to get to the top. They joined the group.

In cloud all the way up, we were at least happy that there wasn't much rain or wind, and so we made good progress. Everyone was pretty happy to reach the top, especially as for some this was their second attempt! We began our return journey over the boulder fields of Broad Crag gingerly, as the rocks were slippery from the morning's rain and nothing had been able to dry them yet.

Descending past Great End, we passed another group of four who asked us to confirm that they were on Bowfell. Realising their mistake after we pointed at where they actually were, they too joined the group and were chaperoned down to Esk Hause. From here we began our descent down Ruddy Gill, finally with some views ahead of us of a lit up Derwent Water and the Borrowdale Valley, a good end to a good day.

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