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Scafell Pike from Seathwaite

A great day climbing Scafell Pike from Seathwaite, good weather and great views throughout the day as we headed up the Corridor Route and descended by Sty Head.

We set off passing Stockley Bridge and then the steady climb up to Sty Head getting rewarded with our first views of Scafell Pike. From here we joined The Corridor route. The views across to Great Gable were fantastic.

Lingmell was out of the cloud but Scafell Pike was hidden. We grabbed some lunch at the Lingmell Col. Feeling refreshed we made our final push to the summit. A busy summit it was but the cloud had gone, after soaking up the views and getting some photos.

We made our way across the plateau and dropped down to Esk Hause from here we met Ruddy Ghyll and followed this to Stockley bridge returning to Seathwaite farm.

A great day with good company, some of the group are off  to climb Snowdon Tomorrow they are probably on the M6 as I type this. Good Luck guys!

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