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Causey Pike

Causey Pike

Grid Reference: NY 21876 20851
Height: 637 metres/2090 feet

"Deservedly this is a popular climb, with a heavy summer traffic, the route being quite charming, the views superlative, the finish a bit of real mountaineering, and the summit a place of distinctive character."
A Wainwright

The serrated summit ridge of Causey Pike is a prominent sight on the skyline from much of the Lake District, the steep flanks above the Newlands Valley are topped by a series of rocky summits, the highest of which being the easternmost top.

Causey Pike is often climbed as part of the Coledale Horseshoe, a fine high level horseshoe route from Braithwaite, although a good shorter circuit can be made from Stoneycroft, in the Newlands Valley, including the summits of Scar Crags, Outerside and Barrow.

  1. On the summit of Grisedale Pike with Skiddaw beyond

    Coledale Horseshoe: Private Guiding

    Distance: 16km / 10 miles
    Ascent: 1200m / 3700ft
    Duration: 7 hours
    Maximum Group Ratio: 10:1

    A long walk taking in plenty of tops, but with little exposure, and great views throughout

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  2. Causey Pike & Outerside: Private Guiding

    Distance: 10km / 6 miles
    Ascent: 770m / 2500 ft
    Duration: 4 hours
    Maximum Group Ratio: 10:1

    A steep climb to Causey Pike with an easy scramble before good ridge walking

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