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Green Crag

Grid Reference: SD 20025 98274
Height: 489 metres/1604 feet

"Not of any great height but together forming a dark and jagged outline against the sky that seen from certain directions, arrest the eye as do the Black Coolin in Skye."
A Wainwright

Green Crag is a delightful series of crags and heathery slopes on the southern flanks of the Eskdale Valley, either a wonderful shorter walk with breathtaking views over Eskdale to the Scafell range or a longer walk when combined with the equally pleasurable Harter Fell to the east.

As well as the view to the north Green Crag offers a good viewpoint over the coast, with only Black Combe blocking the view to the south west.

Another alternative route is too climb Green Crag from Devoke Water, although the ground around the tarn is often very boggy underfoot.

  1. Harter Fell from Eskdale

    Harter Fell from Eskdale: Private Guiding

    Distance: 16km / 10 miles
    Ascent: 1000m / 3300ft
    Duration: 7 hours
    Maximum Group Ratio: 10:1

    A moderate scramble to the summit but otherwise easy walking with stunning views, some of the best views of the Scafell range

    Learn More